OFRN Round 3 SOARING RFP WSARC 18-002-Revised RFP release

To obtain a copy of the complete RFP please contact Katie Watkins (kwatkin@uakron.edu )

ATTENTION Ohio Federal Research Network Community:OFRN Round 3 SOARING RFP WSARC 18-002_revision1

Attached is the Ohio Federal Research Network Round 3 SOARING initiative Request for Proposal – revision 1.

Following the January 24, 2018 Industry/Academic day, revisions were made to the RFP to provide corrections and clarity. A redlined version of the revised RFP can be found in the OFRN document repository in the OFRN Public Documents / Round 3 RFP Documents folder.

The RFP Q&A will be posted in the near future to the OFRN website at https://data.ohiofrn.org/FAQ.aspx

Key Dates for the RFP have changed:

White Papers Due March 7, 2018, by 2:00pm ET
White Paper Review/Down Select March 2018
Proposal Training April 4 – May 4 (approx.)
Proposal Questions Accepted Through May 11, 2018
Proposals Due (Volume 1: Technical and Management Volume): May 18, 2018, by 2:00pm ET
Proposals Due (Volume 2: Cost Proposal): June 1, 2018, by 2:00pm ET
Proposal Review June 2018
Awards Announced June 2018
Post-Award Conference & Review Summer 2018



The RFP Q&A will be posted in the near future to the OFRN website at https://data.ohiofrn.org/FAQ.aspx