American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics – Beyond B2B: Connecting for Growth 2018 Event (Independence, OH)

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is looking for researchers interested in presenting at the Beyond B2B: Connecting for Growth event, April 4th, 2018 in Independence Ohio.

What is Beyond B2B?

AIAA’s Beyond B2B event is more than just the average business to business matchmaking/networking program. The goal is to connect entrepreneurs and small businesses from all industries, including those from outside of the aerospace industry, with medium and large aerospace and defense companies. This fast-paced, one-day event encourages collaboration among startups/small businesses and big business.

Specific technology sector areas of interest for presentations include:

  • Advanced/Additive Manufacturing
  • Materials and Materials Sciences
  • Instrumentation and Measurement
  • Polymers and Polymer Sciences
  • Other technologies that have potential applicability to aerospace

Additional information can be found on the Beyond B2B: Connecting for Growth webpage.

If interested, please contact Ms. Tobey A. Jackson for further details (office: 703-264-7570; cell: 703-930-8347; email: