2020 Fiscal Year Guidelines and ARTIE Now Open!


The Ohio Arts Council (OAC) has opened applications for the upcoming 2020 fiscal year (for activities occurring July 1, 2019—June 30, 2020). Although most deadlines occur next spring, you can now begin reviewing the updated Guidelines 2020-21 to determine for which programs your organization may be eligible, as well as completing applications in ARTIE. As a reminder, the OAC encourages all applicants to apply no later than three days prior to deadlines in order to allow time to resolve any problems encountered; applicants take a significant risk by waiting until the deadline day to submit.

Notable updates from last year’s Guidelines include:

  • The current $1.75 million annual budget threshold separating Sustainability-Midsize and Sustainability-Large applicants has been revised. Beginning in FY 2020, the largest 40 eligible organizations (by income budget) will be considered for funding via Sustainability-Large, with no specific threshold required (there are currently 35 Sustainability-Large grantees).
  • A small number of statewide arts service organizations are now eligible to apply for funding through a separate process that recognizes their unique role in supporting Ohio’s arts and cultural sector.
  • As a reminder, the Arts Partnership program remains a two-year grant program, with applications reviewed every other year (including FY 2020).


Other reminders:

  • The coming year is an “on-year” for all OAC grant programs, meaning full applications are due for current two-year grantees in Arts Access (due March 1) and Arts Partnership (due March 1), and four-year grantees in Sustainability (due February 1), as well as all one-year programs. Note that Sustainability applicants will be completing full applications for the first time since FY 2016, thus for the first time using the ARTIE system, launched prior to FY 2017.
  • The OAC recently expanded its staff from two to three regional coordinators for organizational programs including Sustainability, Arts Access, ArtSTART, and ArtsNEXT. This map provides details and contact information.
  • Requests for feedback (application “drafts” submitted for OAC staff comment) are optional and designed for new applicants to the OAC, new grant writers of current grantees, or returning applicants submitting applications for new projects. A request for feedback must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the application deadline to receive a complete and thorough review; earlier requests make more detailed reviews possible.
  • The ARTIE system continues to evolve in response to user feedback. All users are encouraged to review their profile information to ensure that contact information is up-to-date.


Finally, we hope to see all of you in Columbus on December 5 and 6 for ARTS AND…, the OAC’s Arts Impact Ohio 2018 statewide conference. Workshop leaders were recently announced, as was the site of our incredible opening night reception (you’ll have to click to see it). The two-day professional development event promises to be truly memorable. Don’t miss this chance to connect with peers from around Ohio, hear from experts in a wide variety of fields, and discuss emerging trends. Register today!


The entire OAC team is looking forward to another great year of serving the individuals and organizations that make up Ohio’s thriving arts and cultural sector. If we can answer questions on how to get started with an upcoming application, please let us know.


Good luck with all of your upcoming work!