WEBINAR – Clinical Trial and Clinical Research Funding Opportunities

The Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) invites the research community to view a webinar series on clinical trial and clinical research funding. This webinar will highlight the difference between clinical research and clinical trials, key planning considerations for prospective human subject research (e.g. regulatory requirements), and application elements considered in peer and programmatic review of clinical research/trials.

Find the webinar schedule here: https://cdmrp.army.mil/pubs/Webinars/webinar_series

Questions: usarmy.detrick.medcom-cdmrp.mbx.cdmrp-public-affairs@mail.mil


Detailed descriptions of funding opportunities, evaluation criteria, and submission requirements can be found in the specific Program Announcements. The Program Announcements are available electronically for downloading from the Grants.gov website (http://www.grants.gov), the CDMRP website (https://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/prgdefault) and the electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP) (https://eBRAP.org).

All CDMRP funding opportunities, both recently and previously released, are available on the CDMRP website (https://cdmrp.army.mil).

A listing of all open CDMRP funding opportunities can be obtained on the Grants.gov website by performing a basic search using CFDA Number 12.420.

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