NIH: Searching for Funding Just Got a Little Easier

What’s new with the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts? In addition to faster, more precise search results, a few key filtering features have been updated.

Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) are displayed in the results when searching either “Funding Opportunities” or “Notices.”

screenshot of search filters showing options to search all funding opportunities, all notices, etc.

The “Type of Funding Opportunities” filter now includes “Notice of Special Interest.”

Screenshot of Guide Search NOSI filter

Quickly find notices by organization.

Screenshot of organization filter

NIH publishes funding opportunities and notices in the NIH Guide daily and recaps the week’s postings every Friday afternoon via a Weekly NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices email to the NIH Guide LISTSERV. Subscribe to receive the NIH weekly updates or to follow them on Twitter today!