NIH Update: COVID-19 Portfolio Tool, New COVID-19 Resources and Funding Opportunities, Cyber Safety, and more

New NIH Resource to Analyze COVID-19 Literature: The COVID-19 Portfolio Tool

In the past few months, the scientific community has ramped up research in response to the SARS‑CoV‑2 pandemic; dozens of peer-reviewed articles and preprints on this topic are being added to the literature every day (Figure 1). This rapidly expanding effort has created challenges for scientists and the medical community who need to analyze thousands of scholarly articles for insights on the virus. Continue reading →

Cyber Safety & COVID-19

The current outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has introduced new cybersecurity risks both at NIH and across the globe. As targeted phishing attacks prey on our desire to access trustworthy information and many of us make a shift toward remote work, we all need to be vigilant and take accountability for cyber safety. Here are some key tips to stay safe and avoid scams. Continue reading →

Security of Our Virtual Peer Review Meetings

CSR will conduct all summer peer review meetings using one of three platforms – 1) video; 2) telephone; 3) web-based discussion. A majority will take place using the Zoom video platform. We want to provide information about how we are maintaining the security and confidentiality of our review meetings. Continue reading →

Roundup of New COVID-19 Resources for NIH Applicants and Recipients: Part 2

We continue to add new resources to our COVID-19: Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding webpage. We hope they are helpful in helping you navigate this unprecedented situation. Here is a summary of what’s new since the last Nexus. Continue reading →

Can recipients change the originally proposed format of a T35 program by devising an electronic curriculum rather than in-person experiences?

Yes, if the alternative methods would provide a meaningful experience related to the goals of the program. Continue reading →


What happens if an institution has already submitted an application, and due to effects of COVID-19, some of the information needs to be revised?

Institutions affected by COVID-19 will be allowed to submit post-submission grant application materials to revise information that was submitted in an application as long as the materials are received at least fourteen days before the start of the review meeting. The post-submission grant application materials policy remains in effect. Only the types of materials allowed under the policy can be accepted. A letter of explanation (one page max.) is required. Continue reading →


  • April 17-20 – eRA modules unavailable due to cloud migration  
  • May 1 – Grant application deadline for due dates between 3/9/20 and 5/1/20, including continuous submission (NOT-OD-20-091)