Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (FY22 Air Force Submission)

Current Closing Date for Applications:Sep 27, 2021 
Award Ceiling:$1,500,000
Award Floor:$1,000,000
Expected Number of Awards:500

Agency Name:

Air Force Office of Scientific Research


See full announcement in Related Documents folder for detailed descriptions of the SPECIFIC MURI TOPICS.

Program Description:
The MURI program supports basic research in science and engineering at U.S. institutions of higher education (hereafter referred to as “universities”) that is of potential interest to DoD. The program is focused on multidisciplinary research efforts where more than one traditional discipline interacts to provide rapid advances in scientific areas of interest to the DoD. As defined in the DoD Financial Management Regulation:

Basic research is systematic study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of
the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts without specific
applications towards processes or products in mind. It includes all scientific study and
experimentation directed toward increasing fundamental knowledge and understanding in
those fields of the physical, engineering, environmental, and life sciences related to longterm national security needs. It is farsighted high payoff research that provides the basis for technological progress (DoD 7000.14-R, vol. 2B, chap. 5, para. 050105. A.)

DoD’s basic research program invests broadly in many fields to ensure that it has early
cognizance of new scientific knowledge.

For more information, please visit the grant page.