We continue to add new resources to our COVID-19: Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding webpage. We hope they are helpful in helping you navigate this unprecedented situation. Here is a summary of what’s new since the last Nexus:
- An overview of information for NIH applicants and recipients related to COVID-19 (available in PowerPoint and Word document formats)
- Many new and updated FAQs on foreign components, animal welfare, continuous submission, timing of reference letters, salaries, donating PPE, prior approval, contracts, and training, fellowship and career development awards. A listing of specific FAQ changes can be found on our page update history.
- A link to a new webpage: COVID-19 Pandemic Contingency Planning for Animal Care and Use Programs
- A link to a webinar: COVID-19 Pandemic Response Resources and FAQs for Animal Care and Use Programs
- A link to OHRP Guidance on COVID-19
- A link to Virtual NIH Activities for Trainees Outside the NIH
- New funding opportunities specific to COVID-19
We know it can be a challenge to track new information as it becomes available. We are noting changes to the website in the page update history, tweeting from @NIHgrants as things get posted, and we will continue to highlight new resources in the Nexus.