Opportunities supporting space science, youth mentoring and more

What’s New in Federal Grants: Opportunities Supporting Space Science, Youth Mentoring, and More – Grants.gov Community Blog

ROSES 2018: Planetary Mission Concept Studies

  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA Headquarters
  • Current Closing Date for Applications: May 21, 2019
  • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate (SMD) announces the release of its annual NASA Research Announcement (NRA), Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES)– 2018. ROSES is an omnibus NRA, with many individual program elements, each with its own due dates and topics. All together these cover the wide range of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences supported by SMD. Awards will be made as grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and inter- or intra-agency transfers, depending on the nature of the work proposed, the proposing organization, and/or program requirements

OJJDP FY 19 Mentoring Opportunities for Youth Initiative

  • Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
  • Current Closing Date for Applications: April 22, 2019
  • The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) supports a wide range of mentoring initiatives aimed at preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency. This multi-category solicitation supports youth mentoring services (1:1, group or peer) provided by National and Multi-State mentoring organizations as well as mentoring for specific populations

OJJDP FY 19 Juvenile Justice Emergency Planning and Demonstration Program

  • Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
  • Current Closing Date for Applications: April 22, 2019
  • The purpose of the Juvenile Justice Emergency Planning Demonstration Program is to support implementation of the principles outlined in the Emergency Planning for Juvenile Justice Residential Facilities by developing, improving, and/or implementing emergency planning activities for state, tribal, county, and local juvenile justice residential facilities

Pilot Services Research Grants Not Involving Clinical Trials

  • Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
  • Current Closing Date for Applications: January 7, 2022
  • The purpose of this funding announcement is to encourage pilot research that is not an immediate precursor to testing a service intervention but is consistent with NIMH priorities for services research. While NIMH now requires use of an experimental therapeutics model for all intervention studies, there is recognition that some mission-relevant areas of services research do not involve clinical trials.

Roundup of R15 Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) and Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP) Resources

As announced in this guide notice, NIH now administers two programs using the R15 activity code. The Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) targeting
undergraduate-focused institutions and the Research Enhancement Award Program
(REAP) targeting graduate schools of arts and
sciences and health professional schools that grant baccalaureate or advanced
degrees. Both programs aim to expose students to research and strengthen
the research environment of schools that have not been major recipients of NIH

Specific organization and principal investigator eligibility requirements are outlined
in the funding opportunity announcements posted for each R15 program.
Institutions must verify their eligibility at the time of application, as NIH
no longer maintains the list of institutions ineligible for R15 grants.

To help you navigate these changes, please see the following

New Resources Available for Basic Experimental Studies with Humans (BESH) Funding Opportunities

In November, NIH announced the publication of new funding opportunities specifically for Basic Experimental Studies Involving Humans (BESH) (see Open Mike Blog).

Need help determining if your research fits within the scope of a BESH funding opportunity announcement (FOA)? Check-out these new resources:

We have also updated our Clinical Trial Case Studies to include examples of Basic Experimental Studies Involving Humans (see Cases #9, #14, #40, #41). Want to narrow down the list of Case Studies? Try the keyword filter to sort and view Case Studies by study type.

Note that participation in funding opportunities for Basic Experimental Studies with Humans will vary by NIH Institute and Center (IC). Many ICs will continue to accept Basic Experimental Studies with Humans through existing FOAs that accept clinical trials (FOAs designated as Clinical Trial Required or Clinical Trial Optional). It is important to check with a Program Officer to determine the most appropriate FOA for your application.

Department of Defense Autism Research Program

The FY19 Defense Appropriation provides $7.5 million (M) to the Department of Defense Autism Research Program (ARP) to provide support for research of exceptional scientific merit and innovation with high impact that focuses on autism spectrum disorders (ASD). As directed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, the Defense Health Agency J9, Research and Development Directorate, manages the Defense Health Program Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation appropriation. The managing agent for the anticipated Program Announcements/Funding Opportunities is the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC).

The ARP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop applications.  FY19 ARP Program Announcements and General Application Instructions for the following award mechanisms are anticipated to be posted on the Grants.gov website in March 2019.  Pre-application and application deadlines will be available when the Program Announcements are released.  This pre-announcement should not be construed as an obligation by the government.

Clinical Trial Award

-Investigators at or above the level of Associate Professor (or equivalent), or

-Nested Early-Career Investigator Option: Investigators at or above the level of Associate Professor (or equivalent) may collaborate on a single application with a young investigator (at the level of postdoctoral fellow up to early-career independent faculty) who meets the following criteria at the application submission deadline date:

-Must be in a current postdoctoral training position or have completed postdoctoral training by the application deadline

-Is no more than 7 years from the receipt of a terminal degree

-Has the freedom to commit at least 50% time to the project

-Supports research with the potential to have a major impact on the treatment and/or management of ASD.

-Preliminary data relevant to the proposed clinical trial are required.

-Pre-application is required; application submission is by invitation only.

-Nested Early-Career Investigator Option: Supports the development of young investigators pursuing or wishing to pursue a career in ASD clinical trial research.

-Maximum funding of $1,000,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)

-Maximum period of performance is years

Nested Early-Career Investigator Option:

-Maximum funding of $1,155,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)

-Maximum period of performance is years

Clinical Translational Research Award

-Investigators at or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent)

-Supports early-phase, proof-of-principle clinical trials with the potential to have a major impact on the treatment and/or management of ASD.

-Preliminary data relevant to the proposed project are required.

-Pre-application is required; application submission is by invitation only.

-Maximum funding of $500,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)

-Maximum period of performance is 3 years

Idea Development Award

-Investigators at or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent), or

-Multiple PI Option: 
Up to two investigators may collaborate on a single application, each of whom will be recognized as a Principal Investigator and receive a separate award. 

-Supports the development of innovative, high-impact ideas that advance the understanding of ASD and ultimately lead to improved outcomes.  Preliminary data relevant to the proposed project are required.

-Pre-application is required; application submission is by invitation only.

-Clinical trials or applications including a clinical trial aim are not allowed.

-Maximum funding of $500,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)

-Maximum period of performance is 3 years

A pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP) at https://eBRAP.org prior to the pre-application deadline.  All applications must conform to the final Program Announcements and General Application Instructions that will be available for electronic downloading from the Grants.gov website.  The application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on Grants.gov.  A listing of all CDMRP and other USAMRMC extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the Grants.gov website by performing a basic search using CFDA Number 12.420. 

Submission deadlines are not available until the Program Announcements are released.  For email notification when Program Announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “Email Subscriptions” on the eBRAP homepage at https://eBRAP.org.  For more information about the ARP or other CDMRP-administered programs, please visit the CDMRP website (https://cdmrp.army.mil).

Limited Submission Opportunity- Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE)

ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions | NSF – National Science Foundation


Solicitation  19-552

Important Information for Proposers

A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 19-1), is effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after February 25, 2019. Please be advised that, depending on the specified due date, the guidelines contained in NSF 19-1 may apply to proposals submitted in response to this funding opportunity.


Full Proposal Deadline Date

May 22, 2019

Internal Limited Submission Deadline to the Office of Research Administration:

April 1, 2019


The NSF ADVANCE program contributes to the National Science Foundation’s goal of a more diverse and capable science and engineering workforce.[1]  In this solicitation, the NSF ADVANCE program seeks to build on prior NSF ADVANCE work and other research and literature concerning gender, racial, and ethnic equity.  The NSF ADVANCE program goal is to broaden the implementation of evidence-based systemic change strategies that promote equity for STEM [2] faculty in academic workplaces and the academic profession.  The NSF ADVANCE program provides grants to enhance the systemic factors that support equity and inclusion and to mitigate the systemic factors that create inequities in the academic profession and workplaces.  Systemic (or organizational) inequities may exist in areas such as policy and practice as well as in organizational culture and climate.  For example, practices in academic departments that result in the inequitable allocation of service or teaching assignments may impede research productivity, delay advancement, and create a culture of differential treatment and rewards.  Similarly, policies and procedures that do not mitigate implicit bias in hiring, tenure, and promotion decisions could lead to women and racial and ethnic minorities being evaluated less favorably, perpetuating historical under-participation in STEM academic careers and contributing to an academic climate that is not inclusive. 

All NSF ADVANCE proposals are expected to use intersectional approaches in the design of systemic change strategies for STEM faculty in recognition that gender, race and ethnicity do not exist in isolation from each other and from other categories of social identity.  The solicitation includes four funding tracks Institutional Transformation (IT), Adaptation, Partnership, and Catalyst, in support of the NSF ADVANCE program goal to broaden the implementation of systemic strategies that promote equity for STEM faculty.

Please note that NSF ADVANCE does not provide fellowships, research, or travel grants to individual students, postdoctoral  researchers, or faculty to pursue STEM degrees or research.  Undergraduate STEM opportunities can be found at stemundergrads.science.gov and graduate STEM opportunities at stemgradstudents.science.gov.

All the STEM fields supported by NSF are supported by the ADVANCE program including the learning, social, behavioral, and economic sciences.  ADVANCE does not support the clinical science fields.

Link to the funding opportunity page: https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5383&org=NSF&from=fund