December NSF Grant Opportunities

Computational Physics

Deadline: December 1, 2016

Computational Physics (CP) supports research for computational and data-enabled science. The program emphasizes novel methods for high-performance computing, such as algorithm development and efficient use of novel architectures, that require significant code development. Priority will be given to proposals that, in addition to compelling scientific goals, have a computational advance or new enabling capability.

Computational Mathematics

Deadline: December 1, 2016

Supports mathematical research in areas of science where computation plays a central and essential role, emphasizing analysis, development and implementation of numerical methods and algorithms, and symbolic methods.  The prominence of computation with analysis and ultimate implementation efficiency of the computational methods in the research is a hallmark of the program.

Quantum Information Science

Deadline: December 1, 2016

Quantum Information Science (QIS) supports theoretical and experimental proposals that explore quantum applications to new computing paradigms or that foster interactions between physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists that push the frontiers of quantum-based information, transmission, and manipulation.


Deadline: December 9, 2016

The Geophysics Program supports basic research in the physics of the solid earth to explore its composition, structure, and processes from the Earth’s surface to its’ deepest interior. Laboratory, field, theoretical, and computational studies are supported. Topics include (but are not limited to) seismicity, seismic wave propagation, and the nature and occurrence of geophysical hazards; the Earth’s magnetic, gravity, and electrical fields; the Earth’s thermal structure; and geodynamics.

For a complete listing of NSF related grants please visit the NSF webpage

Startup Career Fair

OCTOBER 26th, 2016

The University of Akron Student Union Ballroom

Brought to you by the University of Akron Engineering & Career Services Center in partnership with Launch League, The Akron Global Business Accelerator, and Jumpstart

We at UARF are excited to announce a great opportunity to connect NE Ohio startups to co-op and intern talent at the University of Akron. This is the first startup-focused career fair in our region, and we are excited to get as much participation as possible!

This half-day event is being offered free of charge to the NE Ohio startup community by the University of Akron Engineering & Career Services Center. The event will be hosted on-campus in the Student Union Ballroom from 11am-3pm. The event will include a workshop and lunch where startups will receive HR training and education on resources offered through the University and the State of Ohio for co-ops and internships, followed by a “career fair showcase” open to students from STEM and Business majors.

Startup Eligibility:

A “startup” is defined as any company that is less than 5 years old, has less than 20 employees, earns less than $2M/year in revenue, and is not yet cashflow positive. If you have any questions on your eligibility for the startup career fair, please contact Courtney Gras at: or 216-543-6066. Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis.


All startups must preregister for the event using the form attached to this email. Forms must be completed and emailed to Erin Elosh at by Monday, October 17th. There is a limit of 50 tables for the event.

Biomedical Engineering Grant Opportunities

Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants

Deadline: October 16, 2016

The goal for exploratory/developmental bioengineering research grants (EBRG) is to foster the exploration and development of innovative technologies, models, techniques, designs, and methods that have the potential to substantially advance biomedical research by infusing principles and concepts from the quantitative sciences to transform our understanding of biological, clinical or translational science.

Accelerating Research on Intervertebral Disc

Deadline: October 16, 2016

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) invites applications for studies on basic biology of the intervertebral disc. The NIAMS invites investigators from all areas of cell biology, bioengineering, and orthopaedic research to consider individual or collaborative efforts to address these needs.

Biomedical Engineering

Deadline: October 20, 2016

The goal of the Biomedical Engineering (BME) program is to provide research opportunities to develop novel ideas into discovery-level and transformative projects that integrate engineering and life sciences in solving biomedical problems that serve humanity in the long-term. BME projects must be at the interface of engineering and life sciences, and advance both engineering and life sciences.

Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering Program

Deadline: October 20, 2016

The Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering (BBE) program supports fundamental engineering research that advances the understanding of cellular and biomolecular processes in engineering biology and eventually leads to the development of enabling technology for advanced manufacturing and/or applications in support of the biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, and bioenergy industries, or with applications in health or the environment.

For a complete list of NSF opportunities related to biomedical research please visit the NSF webpage.

November NSF Grants

Energy, Power, Control, and Networks

Deadline: November 1, 2016

The Energy, Power, Control and Networks (EPCN) Program invests in systems and control methods for analysis and design of cyber-physical systems to ensure stability, performance, robustness, and security.

Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetic Devices

Deadline: November 1, 2016

The Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetic Devices (EPMD) Program seeks to improve the fundamental understanding of devices and components based on the principles of micro- and nano-electronics, optics and photonics, optoelectronics, magnetics, electromechanics, electromagnetics, and related physical phenomena.

Communications, Circuits, and Sensing-Systems

Deadline: November 1, 2016

The Communications, Circuits, and Sensing-Systems (CCSS) Program is intended to spur visionary systems-oriented activities in collaborative, multidisciplinary, and integrative engineering research. CCSS supports systems research in hardware, signal processing techniques, and architectures to enable the next generation of cyber-physical systems (CPS) that leverage computation, communication, and algorithms integrated with physical domains.


Deadline: November 15, 2016

The EarthScope Program provides a framework for broad, integrated studies across the Earth sciences, including research on fault properties and the earthquake process, strain transfer, magmatic and hydrous fluids in the crust and mantle, plate boundary processes, large-scale continental deformation, continental structure and evolution, and composition and structure of the deep Earth.

Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Grants

Deadline: November 15, 2016

The Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Grants (AAG) Program provides a flexible, coordinated, and inclusive funding opportunity for disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary research in the astronomical sciences.

Biological Anthropology

Deadline: November 16, 2016

The Biological Anthropology Program supports basic research in areas related to human evolution and contemporary human biological variation. Research areas supported by the program include, but are not limited to, human genetic variation, human and nonhuman primate ecology and adaptability, human osteology and bone biology, human and nonhuman primate paleontology, functional anatomy, and primate socioecology.

DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research program

The Department of Energy’s Office of Science is now accepting applications for the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program (2016 Solicitation 2). Applications are due 5:00pm Eastern Time on Monday November 21, 2016.

The SCGSR program provides doctoral dissertation/thesis research opportunities for graduate students at DOE national laboratories. Details about the program and online application can be found at