June 2017 National Endowment for the Humanities Grants

Common HeritageJune 1, 2017

State Humanities Councils General Operating Support GrantsJune 1, 2017

Digital Humanities Advancement GrantsJune 6, 2017

Digital Projects for the PublicJune 7, 2017

Research and Development June 8, 2017

Humanities Initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and UniversitiesJune 22, 2017

Humanities Initiatives at Tribal Colleges and UniversitiesJune 22, 2017

Humanities Initiatives at Hispanic-Serving InstitutionsJune 22, 2017

June NSF Grant Opportunities

Research Training Groups in the Mathematical Sciences  (RTG)

Deadline: June 6, 2017

The RTG program supports efforts to improve research training by involving undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral associates, and faculty members in structured research groups centered on a common research theme.  Research groups supported by RTG must include vertically-integrated activities that span the entire spectrum of educational levels from undergraduates through postdoctoral associates.

Geophysics  (PH)

Deadline: June 9, 2017

The Geophysics Program supports basic research in the physics of the solid earth to explore its composition, structure, and processes from the Earth’s surface to its’ deepest interior. Laboratory, field, theoretical, and computational studies are supported.

Perception, Action & Cognition  (PAC)

Deadline: June 15 for workshop proposals; August 1 for research proposals

The PAC program funds theoretically motivated research on a wide-range of topic areas focused on typical human behavior. The aim is to enhance the fundamental understanding of perceptual, motor, and cognitive processes and their interactions. Central research topics for consideration by the program include (but are not limited to) vision, audition, haptics, attention, memory, reasoning, written and spoken language, motor control, categorization, and spatial cognition.

Political Science Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants  (PS DDRIG)

Deadline: June 15, 2017

The Political Science Program supports scientific research that advances knowledge and understanding of citizenship, government, and politics. Research proposals are expected to be theoretically motivated, conceptually precise, methodologically rigorous, and empirically oriented.

Ideas Lab: Practical Fully-Connected Quantum Computer Challenge (PFCQC)

Deadline: Preliminary proposal due June 19, 2017; Full proposal due November 30, 2017

Quantum computing is a revolutionary approach to information processing based on the quantum physics of coherent superposition and entanglement.  Advantages of quantum computing include efficient algorithms for computationally difficult tasks, efficient use of resources such as memory and energy needed for computations, and new platforms for the simulation of quantum mechanical systems that are currently intractable using conventional computers.

For more grants check out NSF’s Website!

Funded Sponsored Research Opportunity


As part of the Ohio Federal Research Network’s (OFRN – www.ohiofrn.org) mission, we are engaging Ohio-based businesses throughout the State in order to identify sponsored research opportunities. One such opportunity is available in conjunction with Advanced Energy Technologies. If researchers are interested in more information on the opportunity please contact the Office of Research Administration at rschsrvsga8@uakron.edu

The deadline to return intent paperwork is 4/27/2017

Research Presentation Featuring Dr. Kathleen Endres

Faces of Tuberculosis: Stories from the Edwin Shaw TB Sanatorium, A Documentary

Monday, April 24, 2017 from 12-1 pm

Kolbe Hall, room 103

Faces of Tuberculosis seeks to tell the story of the Springfield Lake/Edwin Shaw TB Sanatorium in documentary form. The presentation will provide a preview of the content of the upcoming documentary material.


Connecting University Research to Industry Funding Sources

Live Webinar- Tuesday, May 16, 2017- 1-2 pm ET

Cost $197 per webinar site

Penn State University’s Innovation Gateway — a new online platform that help researchers and industry research sponsors find each other — is being hailed as a major advance by faculty, corporate partners, and university administrators. The new platform provides a standardized way for faculty to present research approaches and possible solutions to industry challenges — and it gives industry a way to pose those challenges to university labs.

For more information and registration click here!