Innovation Prize Organized by Universal Biotech

Call for Proposals: February 1st to April 30th 2017

The Innovation Prize, organized by Universal Biotech, is aimed at highlighting the most innovative projects coming from young innovative startups and academic researchers from public or private sector in the field of healthcare.

This year, 3 prizes will be awarded:

  • Biotech Prize (vaccines, drugs, molecules),
  • Medtech Prize (medical devices and services, diagnosis),
  • Digitech Prize (health NICTs including e/m-health, platforms and connected objects)

To stimulate the innovative spirit of the project leaders and to improve the visibility of the Innovation Prize 2017 campaign, we would like to propose a communication partnership. By promoting our campaign within your network, your organization will be recognized as an “ambassador” through our social media, during the innovation Prize 2017 campaign, and also during the Innovation Days 2017 in October, at which the awarding ceremony of the Innovation Prize 2017 will take place.

Find all the information, including the necessary files, regarding this event on our website.

Ohio Occupational Safety and Health Research Program

The Ohio Occupational Safety and Health Research Program, hereafter the “Program,” is administered by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC). The program is a competitive research program with an emphasis on maximizing the impact of research efforts in the areas of occupational safety and health on the overall safety, health, productivity and competitiveness of Ohio’s workforce.

Deadline: April 21, 2017

DOE Office of Science, Graduate Student Research Program

The Department of Energy’s Office of Science is now accepting applications for the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program (2017 Solicitation 1). Applications are due 5:00pm Eastern Time on Tuesday May 16, 2017.

The SCGSR program provides doctoral dissertation/thesis research opportunities for graduate students at DOE national laboratories. Details about the program and online application can be found at

Research Presentation Featuring Tony Samangy

Tony Samangy, Associate Professor in the Myers School of Art will talk March 6th at noon, in Folk Hall 107 regarding his summer research in the design, engineering and construction of stop-motion maquette puppets. The discussion will touch on tools and materials such as silicone and resin plastics as well as the processes of molding, casting and 3D printing required to produce the miniature posable characters.

Samangy specializes in the areas of interactive design and motionography, (the design of motion and animation for communication.) He also writes and produces short films, music videos and animations. His most recent project brings together his various areas of research in the form of a stop-motion animated short film, The Eucalyptus Tree.

American Psychological Foundation Grants

Division 17 Counseling Psychology Grants

Deadline: April 1, 2017

These grants support not-for-profit activities to enhance the science and practice of counseling psychology. In particular, it aims to support research on the implementation of innovative counseling programs and models. The division has $6,500 available to fund one or more proposals. Typically, the division funds two to three proposals in the range of $1,000-3,000 each.