Arts and Music Grants

Hagen Family Foundation

Deadline: April 1, 2017 Letter of Intent; June 9, 2017 Full Proposal

The Hagen Family Foundation (THFF) provides financial grants of up to $20,000 to not-for-profit organizations in the areas of the arts, education, environment, religion, and social services. THFF favors creative and innovative proposals in the areas of: the arts, education, environment, religion, and social services.

Ora Frishberg Saloman Fund for Musicological Research

Deadline: April 1, 2017

The Ora Frishberg Saloman Fund supports musicological research oriented to music criticism and reception history. The current maximum award is $2,000. The award encourages work in areas where Prof. Saloman herself did path-breaking scholarship and graduate teaching, notably research in nineteenth-century trans-Atlantic connections between European and American music criticism and reception history.

Harold Powers World Travel Fund

Deadline: April 1, 2017

The Harold Powers World Travel Fund is intended to encourage and assist Ph.D. candidates, post-docs, and junior faculty in all fields of musical scholarship to travel anywhere in the world to carry out the necessary work for their dissertation or other research. The current maximum award is set at $1,700.

William Holmes / Frank D’Accone Endowment for Travel and Research in the History of Opera

Deadline: April 1, 2017

The Holmes / D’Accone Endowment encourages and assists Ph.D. candidates, postdoctoral fellows, independent scholars, and junior faculty working with subject matter associated with the history of opera. The current award is set at $3,000. This award will provide support for travel and research in the history of opera.

National Dance Project: Presentation Grants

Deadline: April 14, 2017

Presentation Grants are made to U.S. nonprofit presenting organizations to support the engagements of NDP awarded projects on tour by subsidizing up to 50% of the artist’s fee (including housing, per diem, and travel). These grants support the dance field by making it possible for presenters to bring artists and companies into their communities, enabling audiences across the nation to experience work by some of today’s most creative and compelling dance artists.

PAS/Yamaha Terry Gibbs Vibraphone Scholarship

Deadline: April 14, 2017

One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to any full-time vibraphone student registered in an accredited college or university school of music.

Research Presentation Featuring Dr. Zhenmeng Peng

Renewable Hydrogen Production via Photocatalytic Water Splitting

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

February 28, 2017; 12-1 pm in Whitby 211

Hydrogen has been considered as a clean energy fuel to replace fossil fuels for solving the global energy and environmental problems. However current technologies for hydrogen production, primarily via petroleum reforming, still consume fossil fuels and generate emissions. The hydrogen economy can only be realistic after hydrogen production becomes renewable and clean. Hydrogen production via photocatalytic water splitting is deemed as one promising technology, which consumes only solar energy and water and has zero emission. However this technology, with as high as about 30% theoretical energy conversion efficiency and practical efficiency limited to <1% up to date, still needs big research advances before real application.

With the FRC support, we are researching a heterojunctioned two-dimensional (2D) photocatalytic structure, which composes of photon harvesting nanosheets with active water electrolysis catalyst nanoparticles on the surface, to improve the efficiency of photocatalytic water splitting. Through this project, several 2D semiconductors for photon harvesting and semiconductor nanoparticles for water splitting electrocatalysis have been prepared, characterized and tested for the properties. Several key parameters have been investigated for their influences on water splitting electrocatalysis.

Dr. Zhenmeng Peng is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees at the University of Science and Technology of China, his Ph.D. degree at University of Rochester, and his postdoc training at the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Peng’s research interests include understanding of catalytic reactions at a molecular level, design of highly active, cost-effective and stable electrocatalysts for fuel cells and water splitting, and development of advanced materials useful as heterogeneous catalysts for energy-related reactions. He has so far co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed journal papers, one review article, and two book chapters.

Research Presentation Featuring Dr. Gina Martino

March 1, 2017 from 12-1 pm

CAS, Room 209

This presentation examines how English, French, and Native women in the borderlands of northeastern North America fulfilled a variety of essential military roles in wars that defined the region between 1630-1763. Women lived in fortified communities that served as the front lines of these conflicts, fighting alone and alongside men. Historians who have noted only the most dramatic examples of women’s participation in these wars have assumed that instances of women’s war-making were rare. This book returns women to the border wars, arguing that women’s wartime participation served larger military and political strategies. It explores how wartime necessity and gender ideologies encouraged women to assume significant, public roles in wars that determined the futures of nations and empires.

Gina Martino is Assistant Professor of History, specializing in early American history and women’s and gender history. She is the author of “‘As Potent a Prince As Any Round About Her’: Rethinking Weetamoo of the Pocasset and Native Female Leadership in Early America,” published in the Journal of Women’s History. Prof. Martino is currently revising her book, Among the Vanguard: Women at War in the Borderlands of the Early American Northeast, under contract at The University of North Carolina Press. She is also affiliated faculty in UA’s Women’s Studies program.

Investigator’s Award in Clinicial Translation of Cell and Gene Therapies for Cancer

Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy (ACGT)  is pleased to announce its 2017 Investigator’s Award in Clinical Translation of Cell and Gene Therapies for Cancer.

The deadline for submission of abstracts (LOIs) is March 21, 2017.  Please see the attached RFA for specifics.  Please submit all grant requirements via proposalCentral:

View RFA


Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education

Deadline: 28-Apr-2017 [LOI/Pre-Application- Optional]

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invite applications from institutions that propose to establish new or to enhance existing team-based design courses or programs in undergraduate Biomedical Engineering departments or other degree-granting programs with Biomedical Engineering tracks/minors. This FOA mainly targets undergraduate students but may also include first-year graduate students. Courses and programs that address innovative and/or ground-breaking development, multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary education, the regulatory pathway and other issues related to the commercialization of medical devices, and clinical immersion are especially encouraged. This FOA will use the NIH Research Education (R25) grant mechanism.