Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research, Arnold Bentley New Initiatives Fund
Deadline: Continuous Submission
The Arnold Bentley Fund exists to support new, interdisciplinary initiatives concerned with the advancement or promotion of research in the psychology of music or music education. Examples may include support towards a project, conference, seminar, workshop, exhibition or publication that is particularly innovative or pioneering.
National Endowment for the Arts/National Fndn. on the Arts & Humanities, NEA FY 2017 Art Works II Application
Deadline: July 14, 2016 (**This is a limited submission opportunity. Refer to The University of Akron Limited Submission guidelines.)
Art works by enhancing the value of individuals and communities, by connecting us to each other and to something greater than ourselves, and by empowering creativity and innovation in our society and economy. The arts exist for beauty itself, but they also are an inexhaustible source of meaning and inspiration.
American Society for Theatre Research, Selma Jean Cohen Conference Presentation Award
Deadline: July 15, 2016
This award provides up to $1000 to a scholar to participate in a plenary or working session at the ASTR conference. This presentation must, in the spirit of Selma Jeanne Cohen, explore the intersections of theatre and dance/movement. Funds shall be used to cover travel and hotel expenses. The purpose of the award is to encourage scholars in dance and movement-based fields to become active members of ASTR by helping them to meet the travel and hotel expenses of attending and presenting at the ASTR annual meeting. ASTR conference registration fees will be waived for award winners.
American Musicological Society, Thomas Hampson Fund Supporting Research and Publication on Classic Song
Deadline: August 15, 2016
The fund is dedicated to fostering editions and scholarship on classic song in all its contexts (including American song, contemporary song, etc.), as well as new and innovative technologies for promoting and understanding classic song via interactive media and the Internet. The AMS will award a grant of up to $1,100 to support research and publication on classic song.
Azule, Residencies
Deadlines: May 15, 2016; August 15, 2016; November 1, 2016
Azule provides this retreat and residency program for performers, writers, architects, builders, musicians, and artists of all types. Azule provides an environment where artists and community meet, work and learn together through the arts in their many forms. The residencies range in length from 4 days to 4 weeks.
Sponsor Webpage and Application
For more Arts grant opportunities, follow the Find Grants on SPIN link at the top right of this page. Login using your UAnet ID and password, and then search for “The Arts” under the bookmarks tab.