Office: For Judge of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division
Term Beginning 2/9/2021
Age: 64
Residence: Dayton
Email: arvinmillerforjudge@gmail.com
Website: www.arvinforjudge.com
Social Media: Magistrate Arvin Miller for Judge (facebook)
Occupation: Magistrate Montgomery County Probate Court
Education: Juris Doctorate, University of Dayton School of Law; Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy and Political Science, Miami University; Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies Mediation Skills Training Program; American Bar Association Advanced Mediation and Advocacy Skills Institute; Elder Mediation Training, Ohio Eldercaring Coordination Training, ACR and Ohio Supreme Court
Work Experience: Magistrate Montgomery County Probate Court (Also Court Mediator)
• Visiting Assistant Professor of Law University of Dayton
• Assistant Montgomery County Public Defender
• Assistant Montgomery County Prosecuting Attorney
• Green and Green Lawyers (Private Practice)
Family: Married to Susan Blasik-Miller with two daughters, Lauren Miller Wilmoth and Alexandra Miller, and step-daughter Amanda Blasik
Affiliations: PROFESSIONAL AWARDS American Bar Association, 1991 Pro Bono Publico Award Nationally recognized for creating and developing the Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project. University of Dayton School of Law “Distinguished Alumnus Award”
PROJECT/BOARD MEMBERSHIPS (past and present) Family Services Association (Board Member), Dayton Bar Association Foundation Board Member, Dayton Bar Association Foundation Fellow, Ohio State Bar Foundation – Fellow, Collaboration Against Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation (C.A.A.N.E.) Member, Montgomery County Eldercaring Coordinator Pilot Project (Project Coordinator), ABLE/LAWO/GDVLP “Justice on Tap” – committee member, Montgomery County Elder Abuse Inter-Agency Task Force, Miami Valley Literacy Counsel Board Member, Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyer Project Board of Trustees (President 1988-91, 2001-2003) Dayton Legal Aid Society Board of Directors, Participant, Ohio Conclave on Education for the Legal Profession, Pro Bono Committee Member Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation
Endorsements: Formally Endorsed by over 150 Local lawyers, including 12 past Dayton Bar Association Presidents and 1 past Ohio State Bar President. Also: United States Senator Serrod Brown. AFSCME Ohio Council 8 & Retired Chapter 1184. Dayton-Miami Valley AFL-CIO UAW-CAP (Community Action Program) Springfield.
Bar Association Ratings:
(1) List your judicial experience (courts and years)
• Magistrate Montgomery County Probate Court (2008-present)
• Visiting Magistrate Dayton Municipal Court (2007)
(2) What about your non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
Most of my non-judicial legal work experience has either been in the public sector representing individuals or in legal education teaching students the skills necessary to become competent ethical professionals. Through my work as a prosecutor and public defender, I learned all aspects of trial procedures and evidence used by judges when presiding over and deciding cases. Teaching students and running an indigent clinic at the University of Dayton School of law allowed me additional opportunities to learn and teach trial procedures and the ethical standards necessary to provide quality representation to those who cannot afford representation.
All my jobs have prepared me to be a judge by bringing me in contact with people from all ethnic and economic backgrounds. My work experience has instilled in me a sense of duty to treat all people equally, fairly, and with respect and kindness; all necessary qualities for being a good judge. My past positions also allowed me the time and connections to get involved with, and even help develop, organizations that help address the lack of legal representation for those of limited resources. A judge must be committed to seeking justice for the individual but also must be committed to seeking justice for the community by helping address and solve systemic problems facing the legal system. My prior work experience has prepared me to be the fair and respectful judicial official I have become.
(3) Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I am running for Montgomery County Probate Judge because I believe that I am the most qualified person to be Probate Judge. The probate court is not your typical court. It deals with numerous and complex social issues. It requires experience. Having served as a Probate Magistrate for almost twelve years, I have both the knowledge and experience necessary for the position. As a trained mediator for the court, including advanced training in Elder Mediation and Elder Care Coordination I have worked to find alternatives to contested court hearings. I have performed almost every aspect of probate court.
I have been in Public Service for most, if not all, of my legal career. I want to continue my public service career and hopefully impact positively the lives of those who come before me. I believe I have shown that I have the proper bench demeanor and have built the reputation for treating all those that come before me with the respect and fairness they deserve. Probate court is responsible for protecting some of society’s most vulnerable individuals. I want to be positioned to help those suffering from severe mental health issues; help protect the elderly and mentally challenged from abuse and neglect though guardianship; and see that children can find forever homes through adoptions. Also, more recently, to help those suffering from chronic alcoholism and drug addiction receive necessary treatment.
I also believe that it is important to give back to the community. My continued commitment to the Montgomery County community is shown by my work creating the nationally acclaimed Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project along with past and present board membership on a wide variety of community organizations. Being Probate Judge will allow me to continue to help the community address systemic problems facing the vulnerable citizens coming before the probate court. I am running for probate judge to continue to make a difference in the lives of and protect some of the most vulnerable individuals in Montgomery County. I am running for probate judge to use my experience and knowledge to make sure the probate court efficiently and expedisoly handles all the numerous probate matters.