For Judge of the Ottawa County Court of Common Pleas, Probate/Juvenile Division
Full Term Beginning 2/9/2021
Age: 61
Residence: Oak Harbor
Email: HanyForJudge@gmail.com
Website: hanyforjudge.com
Social Media: Facebook Frederick ‘Fritz’ Hany for probate/juvenile court judge
Occupation: Attorney
Education: Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Michigan; Juris Doctor degree from the University of Toledo College of Law
Work Experience: I was a private attorney emphasizing practice in the areas of probate, real estate and juvenile law as well as the general practice of law. I served as the sole judge of the Ottawa County Municipal Court until 2019.
Family: I have been married to my wife, Susan, for 34 years and we have two adult children, Joan and Elizabeth
Affiliations: PAST AND PRESENT AFFILIATIONS — Civic/Community: Oak Harbor Lions Club (past president); former member of the Magruder Hospital Board of Trustees, the Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Human Rights Committee (Ottawa County Board of Mental Health), United Way First Call For Help; member of the former Port Clinton Community Band; founding member of the OSU/PC Performing Arts Festival.
Ohio Supreme Court Appointments: Ohio Judicial Campaign Grievance Commission, Ohio Traffic Rules Commission (former Chairman), Ohio Sentencing Commission, Task Force on Enforcement of Motorist Insurance Laws, Commission on the Rules of Practice and Procedure in Ohio Courts, appointed as a Visiting Judge to several Municipal Courts throughout Ohio.
Honors and Awards: 1999 Light of Hope Award (Victim Advocates of OC), 2002 Outstanding Organization Award (Mental Health and Recovery Board of Erie and Ottawa Counties), Commencement Speaker for Oak Harbor High School (2003 and 2007), Commencement Speaker for North Bass Island School District (2003).
High School Events for Students: past co-coordinator of the Ohio Mock Trial Dist Competition in Ottawa County, hosted annual mock trials for Student Government Day and for thousands of area high school juniors and seniors while attending and observing actual criminal and traffic cases during court sessions, mentored extern students interested in a legal career and member of TNT Mentoring Program in Ottawa County.
Past Instructor: Ohio Judicial College (‘Judges teaching Judges’) and Bowling Green State University/Firelands Campus, Paralegal Studies in Civil Litigation.
Professional Organizations: Ohio Municipal/County Judges Assoc. (Trustee 2001-2019), the US District Court, Northern District of Ohio and the Ohio State Bar Association. Program Development: Mental Health and Drug/Alcohol targeted dockets (2008) and Mediation Program. Trinity Episcopal Church (member of Vestry).
Bar Association Ratings: The Toledo Bar Association Judicial Candidates Committee evaluated me as Highly Recommended for a vacancy appointment to the Sixth District Court of Appeals in September of 2009.
(1) List your judicial experience (courts and years)
I was appointed the judge of the Ottawa County Municipal Court in February of 1991 and remained judge of the Ottawa County Municipal Court through December of 2019 after choosing not to seek another term.
(2) What about your non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I bring over 20+ years of judicial experience from my time as a Municipal Court Judge. Previous to that, I was in the private practice of law. While I engaged in the general practice of law, within my private practice, my emphasis was on probate, real estate and juvenile law.
As an attorney, I represented clients seated in the courtroom and who would be directly affected by the court’s decisions. As a judge, I had people before me experiencing their darkest moments. I know what is like to be on both sides of the bench. As an attorney and as a judge, it was and is necessary to acknowledge the struggles of those people appearing in court with compassionate accountability. Probate and Juvenile court judges hear a variety of complex cases, from those involving elder abuse to ones involving the rights of children.
I believe my previous experiences as both a judge and a practicing attorney will help guide this court to make correct decisions with deliberate speed which will in turn be of benefit to the individuals and families who come before this court.
(3) Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I made the decision to run after learning of Judge Kathleen Geisler’s retirement from the position of Probate/Juvenile Court Judge. I believe my 20+ years of judicial experience allows me to step in and run a fair and effective court on day one. Justice delayed is justice denied.
No different than in the Municipal Court, I believe my philosophy of compassionate accountability is the right approach for the Ottawa County residents who come before this court. If elected Probate/Juvenile Court Judge, my focus will be on family preservation and enhancing current programs that will put our youth on track for a future of success as well as ensuring that the elderly in our community are respected and protected. The decisions this court makes can affect families for generations; it is important to get it right. This is not the court to learn how to become a judge. That is why I believe my experience is the right choice for this very important position of Probate/Juvenile Court Judge.