Electronic Services

New SharePoint: Permissions

Systems has begun reviewing and updating user access and permissions for all sites on the new UL SharePoint.  We hope to have the work done on or before 5/21/2014. In the meantime, if discover you need access to and/or read write/permissions to a specific site, please submit a Footprints ticket at:

Electronic Services

Sierra: Update 1.1.3 installed on 1/7/2014

The Sierra application and database servers were updated to Sierra 1.1.3 on Monday January 7, 2014. A  restart is required in order to download new SDA (Sierra Desktop Application) software..

This update resolves several reported known issues and introduces some new functionality including the following:

  • Rapid Update now defaults to “single record” rather than “multi record”
  • Navigation improvements in multi-window mode when editing records from a browse results screen.
  • Globally Purge Fines now includes a progress indicator and the summary display of changes has been improved.
  • Web Management Reports are now available within the Sierra Desktop Application.

.For more details, click on the Release 1.1.3 link on the Sierra SharePoint.

Electronic Services

MARC Records: OhioLINK YPB E-Book project

465 MARC records provided by OhioLINK were recently loaded for the OhioLINK YBP E-Book project. These records represent a combination of both discovery (non-purchased) and purchased titles. These records are available in the UAL Catalog and will be available in Search-A-Roo within 3-4 working days.

For more information on the OhioLINK YBP E-Book project go to:

Link to example record:




General Interest

Come to the 2013 United Way RooNited campaign kick-off party on 11/1

The 2013 United Way RooNited campaign kick-off party will be on Friday, November 1, from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. Join us for pizza and hot dogs and an all-campus celebration. Free to attend!

You can purchase tickets to participate in the raffle for a chance to win an iPad Mini and other prizes. Money raised from the raffle will support scholarships for UA students through United Way. You can also participate in games and purchase tickets to Saturday’s ‘Zippy’s Great Chili Cook-off’ (proceeds go to the campaign) and the UA/KSU football game.

The RooNited campaign runs from November 1 – 15, 2013 and provides the UA campus community the opportunity to positively impact the lives of students. You can choose to earmark any portion of your contribution to support several new scholarships designed to help University of Akron students graduate in a timely fashion.

For campaign updates, like RooNited on Facebook or follow on Twitter @RooNitedUA.

We hope to see you at this fun filled university sponsored event! Please let Kaye (x 7495) or  Susan (x 7240)  know if you have any questions about the kick-off party or the 2013 UA United Way Campaign.

 Come on …. Get in the Game!!!


Electronic Services

MARC Records: Wiley Online Library (OhioLINK)

1,611 MARC records provided by OhioLINK were recently loaded for the Wiley Online Library. 602 existing records were overlaid and 1,009 new records were created.   These records are available in the UAL Catalog now and will be available in Search-A-Roo within the next 26-48 hours.

Link to example record:

Electronic Services

Sierra: Update 1.1.2 to be installed on 10/16/2013

The Sierra application and database servers will be updated to Sierra 1.1.2 Wednesday, October 16th. There is no downtime required for this update. However, a restart will be required after the install in order to download new SDA (Sierra Desktop Application) software..

This update resolves several reported known issues and introduces some new functionality including an optional compact browse and OCLC Control Number Expansion.

For more details, click on the Release 1.1.2 link on the Sierra SharePoint.

Electronic Services

Recent changes to the Resources section of the UL Portal

I recently made two changes under the Resources section of the UL Portal

  1. I corrected the Footprints link. This link now goes to the library systems problem report form. These problem reports go directly to Susan, Michael, and Marlene.
  2. I added a link to the electronic resources problem report form. These problems reports go directly to Frank and Anna.
Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

Serials Solutions ejournal catalog records suppressed

In preparation for the Discovery service (Search-A-Roo) launch on Saturday, September 28th, Serials Solutions catalog records have been suppressed from the UAL Catalog. We will replace these records with new records in the near future. In the interim, if you need to know if we have access to an ejournal search the A-to-Z list.



Access Services Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

Problem with booking study rooms in UAL Catalog

Study room booking is not quite working right in the UAL Catalog.

A title search for study room causes the Request button to display (all three browsers). in the search results list. If you click on the link to the item record, the Book It button displays and the study room can be booked.
A keyword search for study room  causes the Request button to briefly display, then the Book It button appears and the study room can be booked (all three browsers).

Direct users to a keyword search or have users click on the record link to book a study room until this problem is resolved.

General Interest


OH-TECH (Ohio Technology Consortium) has announced the launch of a new blog and daily news aggregation site. Check it out at: