General Interest

Fisk Presents

Matt Fisk  will be presenting at the OhioLINK Membership Summit Steal My Idea session on July 25th, on the topic of student-driven Makerspaces. 

In addition, he is working with the LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education to have a tour and crafting event for the I Promise Learning Community camp students on July 18th.

Nicely done!

Access Services Electronic Services General Interest Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library

Scheduled OhioLINK Services Outage on Dec 28

Scheduled Services Outage

OH-TECH needs to complete some urgent maintenance on the systems that govern access to our servers. This maintenance will take place on Wednesday Dec 28 from 8pm-10pm. While OH-TECH works on these modules, users will not be able to access OhioLINK services.

Affected Services:

• ETD Center
• Central Catalog*
• Music Center
• Rave URL resolver

We are not anticipating any issues after the maintenance, as the services themselves are not being taken down. OH-TECH is just interrupting the access routes. Once access is restored, OhioLINK will double check everything, but services should be up and functioning as they were before the maintenance.

* While the Central Catalog is unavailable, messages between local catalogs and Central will be queued and processed when Central is available again. This will include all PCIRC renewals and pickup anywhere transactions.

Once the maintenance is completed, OhioLINK will check the record queues from the local catalogs to Central and make sure that they are connected and that any queued messages are being processed.

We recognize that OhioLINK users are working all the time, and OH-TECH has scheduled this work over Winter Break to hopefully impact the lowest number of users.

Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

OhioLINK services & possible browser errors

OH-TECH has informed OhioLINK that on Tuesday, May 31, between 9am and 11am, they will be updating the load balancers for all their services (which includes OhioLINK services). There will be no downtime as part of this maintenance.

However, as part of this, OH-TECH will be disallowing certain types of connections from outdated browsers. Users with outdated browsers may see errors.

OH-TECH has verified that the following browser versions will continue to access all services without error after the change.

Google Chrome: v 51, 50, 49
Mozilla Firefox: v 46, 45, 44
Apple Safari: v 9, 8, 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer: v 11, 10, 9

Other browsers may also continue to function, but this is what has been tested.

Access Services Electronic Services Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library

OhioLINK scheduled downtime 6/12-6/13

All OH-TECH organizations – including OhioLINK – are moving to a new data center, as the building which houses their current data center is slated to be demolished. The new location at the State of Ohio Computing Center will provide OhioLINK with a near-Tier 4 data center that can deliver a higher grade of services and achieve greater efficiencies. OhioLINK has worked hard to schedule this move so as to minimize the disruption to OhioLINK end users. However, it is necessary to schedule one maintenance window which will involve a significant outage of all OhioLINK hosted services.

All OhioLINK hosted services will be down for the move during the following window: Friday, June 12, 6pm – Saturday, June 13, 12pm (noon).

This will include:

  • OhioLINK website and Ostaff
  • Central Catalog
  • EJC
  • EBC
  • DRC
  • ETD
  • EAD
  • EZProxy hosted at OhioLINK – UA EZProxy will be unaffected
  • Rave URLS
  • OhioLINK Ticketing System
Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

EBSCO Full Text Links are not working 2/26/2015

As reported by OhioLINK  on 2/26/2015 at 11:39 am 

Due to a problem with the full text server, PDF full text links in EBSCO products (individual databases, EDS, etc.) are not working. EBSCO is aware of this problem, has made the resolution a top priority, and is expecting to have these links working again by the end of the day. We will send out another email when the issue has been resolved.

Update #1 – As of 12:00 noon, PDF full texts links in EBSCO appear to be working. No official word from OhioLINK yet.

Update #2 – As of 2:06 pm OhioLINK reported this issue as resolved.

Electronic Services

Scheduled OARnet maintenance 2/5, 8-10pm

OARnet scheduled maintenance Feb. 5 from 8-10pm

OARnet will be making equipment upgrades. This may result in two short interruptions in access to the OhioLINK website, shared catalog, database lists and other web services.  OARnet expects that these interruptions will last 1 minute or less.

Electronic Services

MARC Records: OhioLINK YPB E-Book project

465 MARC records provided by OhioLINK were recently loaded for the OhioLINK YBP E-Book project. These records represent a combination of both discovery (non-purchased) and purchased titles. These records are available in the UAL Catalog and will be available in Search-A-Roo within 3-4 working days.

For more information on the OhioLINK YBP E-Book project go to:

Link to example record:




Access Services Electronic Services General Interest Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library

OhioLINK scheduled outages on Nov 1 & 2

OhioLINK has Scheduled Maintenance on several of their products and services from 11/1-11/2

Expect 30-minute Service Outages starting on Friday, November 1 (at 11 PM) and ending on Saturday, November 2 (at 3 AM)

OhioLINK expects service outages of approximately 30 minutes at varying times for each OhioLINK service during scheduled maintenance on the Ohio Technology Consortium (OH-TECH) shared infrastructure firewall. On-campus access to content on third-party (non-OhioLINK) vendor websites will not be affected.

The following access/services will be affected by 30-minute outages: Libraries using OhioLINK’s remote authentication (proxy) for off-campus access to third-party vendor websites; and all other OhioLINK-hosted services, including online databases, the OhioLINK central catalog, the OhioLINK Electronic Journals Center (EJC), the OhioLINK Electronic Book Center (EBC), OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD), OhioLINK Music Center, OhioLINK Finding Aid Repository, and the OhioLINK Digital Resource Commons (DRC).

General Interest


OH-TECH (Ohio Technology Consortium) has announced the launch of a new blog and daily news aggregation site. Check it out at:

Electronic Services Professional Development

We need you!!! Open Forum on RDA Elements

Changes to the OhioLINK central catalog for new RDA elements… and we need your input

What: open forum on RDA elements
Purpose: to gather your input
Where: Bierce 274 Learning Studio
When: April 17, 1.00-2.00
Who? YOU!

OhioLINK’s Database Maintenance and Standards Committee (DMSC) wants to put forth a proposal for how several new or changed RDA elements will appear and function in OhioLINK’s central catalog.  They’ve distributed a draft of the proposal and are seeking feedback.  A core group of UAL technical services folks will be evaluating the technical elements of the draft.

We are also having an open forum to present the proposal and get feedback that we can forward to DMSC. We’ll have the open forum on April 17, 2013, from 1:00 to 2:00, in Bierce Learning Studio 274. Anyone interested is welcome to participate in the forum.  We plan to include some screen shots or live displays of how these RDA elements currently appear in public catalogs.

If you’re interested in seeing the draft of the actual proposal, it’s available on SharePoint.

For more information, contact David Procházka (