The Department of Energy: FY 21 Advanced Manufacturing Grant

The Department of Energy is looking to support a project that will take on a large-scale approach to the climate crisis by innovating clean energy technologies. This grant will assist in the development improvements within our manufacturing competitiveness and efficiency by focusing on three main areas with subtopics in each area: 

Topic Area 1: Manufacturing Process Innovation
Topic Area 1a: Efficiency Improvements to Drying Processes
Topic Area 1b: Advanced Tooling for Lightweight Automotive Components
Topic Area 1c: Sustainable Chemistry Practices in Manufacturing

Topic Area 2: Advanced Materials Manufacturing
Topic Area 2a: Materials for Harsh Service Conditions
Topic Area 2b: Development of Aluminum-Cerium (Al-Ce) Alloys and Processing to Enable Increased Energy Efficiency in Aerospace Applications

Topic Area 3: Energy Systems
Topic Area 3a: Structured Electrode Manufacturing for Lithium-ion Batteries




Specified by topic. Please access the FY 2021 document attached to the bottom of this post and view the eligible applicants section of your topic of interest.


1-3 years


Concept Paper Submission Deadline: September 10th, 2021 at 5:00 PM ET
Submission: November 5th, 2021 at 5:00 PM ET


February 18, 2022


February – May 2022

For more information, visit the grant page.

FAIR Data and Models for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The Department of Energy Office of Science (SC) program in Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) hereby announces its interest in making research data and artificial intelligence (AI) models findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR1) to facilitate the development of new AI applications in SC’s congressionally authorized mission space, which includes the advancement of AI research and development. In particular, ASCR is interested in supporting FAIR benchmark data for AI; and FAIR frameworks for relating data and AI models

For this FOA, AI is inclusive of, for example, machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), neural networks (NN), computer vision, and natural language processing (NLP). Data, in this context, are the digital artifacts used to generate AI models and/or employed in combination with AI models during inference. An AI model is an inference method that can be used to perform a “task,” such as prediction, diagnosis, or classification. The model is developed using training data or other knowledge. An AI task is the inference activity performed by an artificially intelligent system.

Tools for training AI models on data are readily available and widely used. What is lacking, however, is a theoretical framework for understanding relationships between data and models. For example, given a specific data set and problem, we lack rigorous methods for identifying the best model, hyper-parameters, and training method to use. Given a specific data set and problem, which additional data would be helpful to include in the training set? What information about a dataset can be deduced from a model trained on the data? What attributes of the data can be reverse engineered from a model? What can we learn about model robustness and transfer learning by looking at relationships between data and models?

The primary focus of this FOA topic is to advance our understanding of the relationship between data and models by exploring relationships among them through the development of FAIR frameworks for relating data and models. Such frameworks should provide capabilities that advance our understanding of AI, provide new insights to help researchers with applications of AI techniques, and provide an environment where novel approaches to AI can be explored.

Proposed frameworks may focus on specific disciplines or sub-disciplines currently supported by SC’s programs in ASCR, Biological and Environmental Research (BER), Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Fusion Energy Sciences (FES), High Energy Physics (HEP), Nuclear Physics (NP), or may focus on particular aspects or sub-areas within AI.

EERE FOA 2197 Status – (FY20 Advanced Vehicle Technologies Research) AOI 1a

At EERE, we understand that due to the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), many of us have had to make adjustments to our business operations and practices in order to safeguard the health and safety of our communities. Due to the extraordinary circumstances in which we now find ourselves, EERE is issuing an extension of 14 calendar days to respond to FOA 2197. The due date for full application submissions to this FOA is now April 28, 2020. 

All questions and answers related to this FOA will be posted on EERE Exchange at: Please note that you must first select this specific FOA Number in order to view the questions and answers specific to this FOA. Thank you, applicants, for your continued efforts during this uncertain time. We hope that you and your loved ones are well and we look forward to hearing from you.  

OSTI Requirements for Submission of Final Peer-Reviewed Accepted Manuscripts

In support of the DOE Public Access Plan, this message is to remind recipients of SC funded awards that it is a term and condition of the award to submit, to DOE, the final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts for any published journal articles based on work supported by your award. Submissions are to be made to the DOE corporate E-Link system, and it is expected that recipients will submit final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts as soon as they are accepted for publication, but no later than one-year after the date the journal article is published online, and before closeout After the one-year period, final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts will be made available through DOE PAGES and OSTI.GOV. Details describing this requirement can be found here.

Instructions to submit final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts are included in the Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist and Instructions (DOE F 4600.2) and the award provision entitled, “Reporting Requirements”. A video demonstrating the process is also available.

When publishing work that is supported by your award, it is important to remember to acknowledge DOE and the award appropriately. Requirements for acknowledgement of federal support can be found here.

Also, for journal articles listed in your Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs), please see instructions provided under “B. Scientific/Technical Reporting” of the 4600.2 for submission of final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts to ensure the journal articles reported are in compliance with the requirements for public access.

For questions regarding announcement and submission of your final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts, please contact