The Department of Energy: FY 21 Advanced Manufacturing Grant

The Department of Energy is looking to support a project that will take on a large-scale approach to the climate crisis by innovating clean energy technologies. This grant will assist in the development improvements within our manufacturing competitiveness and efficiency by focusing on three main areas with subtopics in each area: 

Topic Area 1: Manufacturing Process Innovation
Topic Area 1a: Efficiency Improvements to Drying Processes
Topic Area 1b: Advanced Tooling for Lightweight Automotive Components
Topic Area 1c: Sustainable Chemistry Practices in Manufacturing

Topic Area 2: Advanced Materials Manufacturing
Topic Area 2a: Materials for Harsh Service Conditions
Topic Area 2b: Development of Aluminum-Cerium (Al-Ce) Alloys and Processing to Enable Increased Energy Efficiency in Aerospace Applications

Topic Area 3: Energy Systems
Topic Area 3a: Structured Electrode Manufacturing for Lithium-ion Batteries




Specified by topic. Please access the FY 2021 document attached to the bottom of this post and view the eligible applicants section of your topic of interest.


1-3 years


Concept Paper Submission Deadline: September 10th, 2021 at 5:00 PM ET
Submission: November 5th, 2021 at 5:00 PM ET


February 18, 2022


February – May 2022

For more information, visit the grant page.

Ohio Manufacturing Executive Partnership (MEP) Advanced Manufacturing Program (AMP)

The Ohio Manufacturing Executive Partnership (MEP) Advanced Manufacturing Program (AMP) RFP is now available.

For more information on this opportunity please click on the link below: Click on 2018 Advanced Manufacturing Program RFP

Important Dates:

  • RFP Released – February 9, 2018
  • Pre-bid Conferences – February 26, 2018 at 10:30 am February 27, 2018 at 1:30 pm
  • Proposals Due – March 21, 2018 by 5 pm


The Advanced Manufacturing Program (AMP) is a competitive grant program that supports the adoption and extension of existing advanced manufacturing technologies by Ohio manufacturers.  The Program promotes collaboration among small and medium-sized manufacturing firms, large manufacturers, Ohio’s research institutions and other eligible non-profit organizations to advance the growth and competitiveness of Ohio’s manufacturing base.

The Program was previously known as the Thomas Edison Program.  It is one of the longest active tech-based economic development initiatives in the country.  It was developed in 1983 to combat the decline of the manufacturing sector by promoting the development and implementation of new technologies for products and production. To that end, AMP is again being offered as a competitive grant program to encourage the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies and processes in support of this important sector of the state’s economy.