Sunera Kulasekara and Tharindu Randeny joined the ASPC Group this Fall. A warm welcome!
Month: August 2013
Nilan Udayanga joins ASPC group.
Nilan Udayanga joined the ASPC Group as a research assistant for the NSF project on Enhancing Access to Radio Spectrum (EARS). Welcome Nilan!
Hello and welcome to Dr Arjuna Madanayake’s research homepage. Old news items for the period December 2009 – August 2013 is given below.
August 2013
The paper “Reconfigurable Phase-Linearizer for 2-D IIR RF-to-Bits Antenna-Array Digital Beam Filters” is accepted at IEEE ICICS‘2013 to be held in Taiwan. Congrats Sewwandi, Len and Hari!
The paper with Chamith, Mohammad, Leo, Vijay, Rimesh and Len titled “Electronically Scanned RF-to-Bits Beam Aperture Arrays Using 2-D IIR Spatially Bandpass Digital Filters”, has been accepted at Multi-Dimensional Systems and Signal Processing. Congratulations!
Two invited talks given by Roberto Gomez Garcia, U. of Alcala (Spain), (slides) and Firas Hassan, ONU (slides).
The paper “Space-Time Spectral White Spaces in Cognitive Radio: Theory, Algorithms and Circuits” has been accepted at IEEE JETCAS. Congratulations to John, Chamith and Len!
Professor Roberto Gomez-Garcia from Alcala University, Spain, visits the research group for 1 week.
July 2013
Our paper “A 2-D Signal Processing Model to Predict the Effect of Mutual Coupling on Array Factor” has been accepted for publication at IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL). Congratulations to Chamith, John, Leo and Len.
Congratulations to Shiva, Dale, Renato and Vassil for the paper “Algebraic Integer Architecture With Minimum Adder Count for the 2-D Daubechies 4-tap Filters Banks”, which has been accepted for publication at Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP).
The paper titled “Systolic Architectures for RF Antenna Apertures using Integral-form 2-D IIR Beam Filters” by Soumya Kondapalli, Arjuna Madanayake and Len Bruton, is accepted at IEEE PACRIM’2013.
Dr Makarand Deo (NSU) gives a seminar on bioelectromagnetic modeling of the human heart.
Uma Potluri and Soumya Kondapalli have defended their masters. Many congratulations ladies!
June 2013
Arjuna and Chamith attends the 2013 Ohio Innovation Sensor Summit in Dayton, Ohio to present a poster on digital steerable aperture algorithms.
Randeel Wimalagunaratne defends his thesis. Congrats!
Organized and delivered a 1-day seminar for high school seniors from under represented groups at Norfolk State University, Virginia, as part of our NSF-EARS broader impacts plan.
Conducted a 1-week electronics workshop for high-school girls in Akron area.
The paper “VLSI Architecture for 4D Depth Filtering” has been accepted for publication in the journal Signal, Image and Video Processing. Congratulations to Randeel, Don, Len and Renato.
May 2013
Elizabeth Hammel joins as an undergraduate research student as part of our NSF EARS project. Welcome!
Arjuna Madanayake attends IEEE ISCAS‘2013 and the IEEE CAS Education Workshop in Beijing. The ASPC group published two papers at this meeting.
Arjuna Madanayake speaks at the 2013 Communications Gathering at NRL in Washington, DC as part of the progress review for his ONR grant.
Congratulations to Sewwandi and Len for the paper titled “FFT-Based Phase Compensation of 2-D Beam Digital Filters for Electronically Steerable RF Arrays” and congratulations to Leo and his Calgary based team for our joint paper titled “10GHz Current-Mode 1st order and 2nd-Order Allpass Filters on 130nm CMOS”. Both papers are accepted at IEEE MWSCAS‘2013 to be held in Columbus, Ohio, this year.
The paper titled “A Single-Channel Architecture for Algebraic Integer Based 8×8 2-D DCT Computation” has been accepted at IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. Congratulations Amila, Nilanka, Renato and Vassil.
Arjuna Madanayake and Chamith Wijenayake attends SPIE Defense Security + Sensing in Baltimore, MD, to
give two papers on EARS/cognitive radio and radar sensor technologies.
April 2013
The paper titled “Approximate Realization of Fractional-Order 2-D IIR Frequency-Planar Filters” with Jay Adams and Len Bruton has been accepted for publication at IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and
Systems (JETCAS) Special Issue on Fractional Order Systems.
The paper titled “Integral Form 4-D Light Field Filters using Xilinx FPGAs and 45 nm CMOS Technology” is accepted for publication in Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP). Congratulations to Randeel, Don, Chamith and Len.
The SDP advised by Dr Arjuna Madanayake is featured in local media. Congratulations to Team “Precision Pool Aid”. See here for the news story and video and click here for the TV interview with Jim Tressel, Vice President Strategic
February 2013
Arjuna Madanayake attends the DARPA SSPARC conference in Arlington, VA.
Judith, Uma, Soumya and Sewwandi present at the Ohio Celebration for Women in Computing (OCWiC‘2013).
Congratulations to Uma for winning Best Graduate Poster for her masters work on “Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines for DCT/DST and DFT/FFT Algorithms”. Click here for the winning poster!
The paper by Nilanka, Amila, Arjuna, Renato, Ihab, Denis, and Vassil titled “Asynchronous Realization of Algebraic Integer based 2-D DCT using Achronix Speedster SPD60 FPGA” has been accepted for publication at the Hindawi Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Special Issue on Hardware Implementation of DSP Algorithms.
January 2013
Two papers are accepted at the SPIE defense conference to be held in Baltimore in 2013.
Congratulations to Chamith, Judith, Uma and Dale a on the accepted paper titled “Low-complexity algorithms for RF source localization and spatio-temporal directional spectrum sensing with applications in cognitive radio”, at the “SPIE Wireless Sensing, Localization, and Processing VIII”.
Congratulations to Chamith, Thushara, Leo, Yonhsheng and Len for the paper titled “Rejection of interference and near-field coupled LNA-noise on FPA-fed multibeam dish antennas using 3-D analog filters” at the “SPIE Radar Sensor Technologies XVII”.
Amit Rai and Sewwandi Wijeratne joins the research group. A warm welcome to them both.
December 2012
The following papers have been accepted for lecture presentation at the IEEE 2013 Intl. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS‘2013) to be held in Beijing, China. The papers are
“DOA-Estimation and Source-Localization in CR-Networks Using Steerable 2-D IIR Beam Filters” with Chamith, Len and Vijay Devabhaktuni, and
“A Steerable DC-1 GHz All-Pass Filter-Sum RF Space-Time 2-D Beam Filter in 65 nm CMOS” with Chamith, Len, Leo and Yongsheng Xu. Congratulations!
The paper entitled “Multidimensional (MD) Circuits and Systems For Emerging Applications Including Cognitive Radio, Radio Astronomy, Robot Vision and Imaging” with Chamith Wijenayake, Len Bruton, Thushara Gunaratne, Don Dansereau and Stefan Williams has been accepted for publication in the IEEE CAS Society Magazine.
Three posters and a talk are accepted for presentation at the Ohio Celebration of Women in Computing, to be held in February 2013. Congratulations Soumya, Uma, Judith and Sewwandi!
Arjuna Madanayake attends the AHEAD working group workshop on Autonomy in Dayton, Ohio.
Amila Edirisuriya defends his Masters thesis. Congratulations Amila!
November 2012
Dr Yves Pauchard from Robarts Research Institute, Canada, visits the ASPC Group and gives a talk. Slides.
Dr Cintra gives an invited speech for the research group on SAR image processing. Slides.
Professor Renato Cintra from UFPE, Brazil joins the ASPC Group as a visiting scholar. Warm welcome!
October 2012
The kick-off meeting for our NSF EARS research is held at Norfolk State University in Virginia.
Our proposal to ONR Communications Division Code 312 on Advanced Aperture-Array Beamformers based on MD Signal Processing has been recommended for funding. We thank our program managers Santanu Das and Douglas Crowder for their support.
Microwave Office, Analog Office, and MEEP operational in the lab.
The paper entitled “Towards RF analog IC realization of wave-discrete filters on 65nm CMOS” with Nilanka, Yongsheng, Len, Leo, and Amila, as well as the paper entitled “A Multiplication-free Digital Architecture for 16×16
2-D DCT/DST Transform with Applications in H.265 Reconfigurable Video Codecs” with Amila, Renato and Fabio, have been accepted for publication at the IEEE-Israel conference 2012. Congratulations all!
September 2012
Judith Amarasekera joins as an undergraduate research intern. She will be investigating digital hardware filter algorithms for low-complexity spectrum sensing with applications in cognitive radios. Welcome Judith!
Rob Green from the University of Toledo visits to give a seminar on “Central Force Optimization” from a computer science perspective.
The paper with Leo Belostotski and Len Bruton titled “Wideband LNA with active -C element” has been accepted for publication at IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. Congratulations!
August 2012
Awarded! Our first NSF grant through the Enhancing Access to the Radio Spectrum (EARS) Program via the EECS directorate. We are grateful to the NSF, our program director Dr. G. Haddad and the American taxpayer for this valuable opportunity for exploring basic science. Click here for details.
Congratulations to Uma, Renato and Fabio, for their accepted paper “Multiplier-free DCT approximations for RF multi-beam digital aperture-array space imaging and directional sensing”, to appear in IoP Measurement Science and Technology.
Arjuna Madanayake will be offering Embedded Systems Interfacing for the first time, and Advanced Array Signal Processing (graduate level) for the third time, this fall.
Arjuna, Chamith, Soumya and Nilanka drive down to NRAO Green Bank, WV to attend the 2012 CASPER workshop. See our outreach page for slides.
The paper entitled “VLSI Architectures for the 4-tap and 6-tap 2-D Daubechies Wavelet Filters using Algebraic Integers” has been accepted for publication at IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-I:Regular Papers. Congratulations Shiva, Renato, Dale and Vassil!
Arindam Senguptha and Bill Miller join the ASPC group. Welcome guys!
Dezarae Holman and her team wins the student paper award at IEEE MWSCAS‘2012 in Boise, Idaho, for their undergraduate research paper on direct digital amplifiers for ESLs. Many congratulations! Slides. The project was advised by Arjuna Madanayake and Malik Elbuluk as part of their efforts to integrate research with undergraduate teaching of design.
July 2012
The invited paper “A digital hardware fast algorithm and FPGA-based prototype for a novel 16-point approximate DCT for image compression applications” was accepted for publication at IoP Measurement Science and Technology (MST). Congratulations to Amila, Fabio and Renato!
The paper “Broadband Multiple Cone-Beam 3D IIR Digital Filters Applied to Planar Dense Aperture Arrays” with Chamith and Len is accepted for publication at IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation (TAP). Congratulations!
John Kota gives a seminar on his summer research on broadband antenna array mutual coupling effects.
Professor Sean Hum, from the University of Toronto, Canada, visits the research group.
June 2012
The paper titled “Digital Architectures for UWB Beamforming using 2-D IIR Spatio-temporal Frequency-Planar Filters” authored with Soumya Kondapalli and Len Bruton is accepted for publication at Hindawi Intl. Journal of Antennas and Propagation Special Issue on Beamforming Networks.
The ASPC Group hosts 4 female students from high schools (K-12) for a 4-day summer program on the design of an audio power amplifier. See the Outreach page for photos!
May 2012
Congratulations to DT-06 team John, Dezarae, Kyle, Eric and Malik, for the paper “High-Voltage Class-D Direct-Drive Audio Amplifier for Electrostatic Loudspeakers” that has been accepted for publication at IEEE 2012 Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS‘2012).
Arjuna and Chamith attends IEEE 2012 Intl. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS‘2012) in Seoul, South Korea, to give five papers.
Arjuna gives a talk at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in Washington,DC, titled “Ultra-Wideband Aperture Arrays using Multi-Dimensional DSP” at the ONR 2012 Communications Gathering. Invited by Dr Santanu Das.
April 2012
Nilanka Rajapaksha wins best RA award and Soumya Kondapalli wins a best TA award.
Senior design team “DT06 Digital Amplifier for ESL” is placed 3rd place in this years SDPs. Congratulations to all. Winners announced this Faraday Evening.
Senior Design Team 06, Digital Amplifier for ESLs make LaunchTown Finals. Congratulations to Dezarae Holman
John Kota, Kyle Wilson and Eric Matas. The project is supervised by Dr Arjuna Madanayake and Dr Malik Elbuluk. The graduate student mentor is Chamith Wijenayake. Well done.
New paper! Our submission titled “Continuous-time 2D IIR Beam Filters” has been accepted for publication at
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-II:Express Briefs. Congratulations to Mona, Chamith and Len.
Our paper at IEEE CORAL 2012 titled “Directional Spectrum Sensing using Tunable Multi-D Space-Time Discrete
Filters” has been accepted for publication. Congratulations Chamith, Nghi, Sean, Len and Todor.
New: paper was nominated for a best paper award! Slides.
March 2012
Congratulations to Amila, Renato, Vassil and Jithra. Our paper entitled “VLSI Architecture for 8-Point AI-based Arai-DCT having Low AT Complexity and Power at Improved Accuracy using 40 nm FPGA and 65 nm Standard Cells” is accepted for publication at the Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, Special Issue on Recent Developments.
The paper titled “2D Space-time Wave-Digital Multi-fan Filter Banks for Signals Consisting of Multiple Plane Waves” with Nilanka and Len Bruton has been accepted for publication at Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (CSSP). Congratulations!!
February 2012
Our paper entitled “Block-Parallel Systolic-Array Architecture for 2-D NTT-Based Fragile Watermark Embedding”
has been accepted for publication at Parallel Processing Letters (PPL). Congratulations to Renato, Vassil and Len.
January 2012
Congratulations to Nilanka for passing his doctoral qualifier.
The graduate-course Fast Algorithms and VLSI for Digital Signal Processing is offered for the first time.
The following five papers are accepted at the IEEE Intl. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS‘2012) to be held in Soul, Korea next May. Many thanks and congratulations!
“Teaching Freshmen VHDL-Based Digital Design”, with Chamith, Rimesh, Jay Adams, Joan Carletta, Jim Grover, Tom Hartley and Tokunbo Ogunfunmi (Santa Clara University, CA).
“A Combined Approach to Research and Graduate-Level Teaching of Multidimensional Signal Processing, Circuits and Systems” with Len Bruton.
“Error-Free VLSI Architecture for the 2-D Daubechies 4-Tap Filter Using Algebraic Integers” with Shiva, Renato, Dale, and Vassil.
“A Systolic-Array Architecture for First-Order 4-D IIR Frequency-Planar Digital Filters” with Randeel, Don and Len.
“Discrete Space Continuous Time 2D Delay Block Using 2D All-Pass Frequency Planar Networks” with Chamith, Yong Sheng, Leo and Len.
December 2011
An invited paper based on our published work at IEEE ISCAS‘2011 is accepted for publication at IEEE TCAS1 Special Issue on ISCAS‘2011. The paper is titled “RF Analog Beamforming Fan Filters Using CMOS All-pass Time Delay Approximations”. Congrats to Chamith, Yongsheng, Leo and Len!
Congratulations Rimesh, for the successful defense of your Masters thesis. The thesis has lead to 2 published IEEE conference papers and an accepted paper in IEEE Tran. on VLSI systems. Great job!
November 2011
Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio, a distributed parallel processing EM Simulator, is up and running in the ASPC lab.
The paper with Renato, Nilanka, Amila, Denis, Len and Vassil titled “A Row-parallel 8×8 2-D DCT Architecture Using Algebraic Integer Based Exact Computation” has been accepted for publication at IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology [5-year impact factor = 3.012]. Congratulations on your achievement !
October 2011
The paper with Rimesh, Len and Jithra titled “Synthesis and Array Processor Realization of a 2D IIR Beam Filter for Wireless Applications” is accepted for publication at IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems [5-year impact factor=1.5].
Congratulations to the team!!
Our blog goes online at
September 2011
The paper with Thushara Gunaratne and Len Bruton titled “Reducing The Multiplier-Complexity of Massively-Parallel Polyphase 2D IIR Broadband Beam Filters” is accepted for publication at Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (CSSP). Impact Factor=0.752.
The graduate-course Advanced Array Signal Processing is offered for the second time at the University of Akron.
August 2011
Rimesh attends the IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems to give 4 presentations.
July 2011
Chamith and Rimesh attend the 6th NAIC/NRAO summer school on single-dish radio astronomy. See
A paper with Vijay Devabhaktuni et al is accepted for publication at the International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering (Wiley-Blackwell).
The paper titled “A New Class of Spatially-Discrete Time-Continuous 2D IIR Filters Based on Wave-Digital-Filter Theory” with Len, Leo, Nilanka, Chamith and Kye-Shin is accepted at IEEE PACRIM‘2011.
June 2011
Nilanka Rajapaksha delivers a review seminar on 2D wave-digital filters at the University of Moratuwa. Slides
May 2011
The following papers are accepted for publication at IEEE N-Dimensional Systems Conference, to be held in France, 2011:
“Recent Progress on Analog/Digital VLSI 2D Filter Circuits For Beamforming Antenna Arrays” with Chamith, Len and Leo.
“Discrete-Space Continuous-Time Analog Circuits for Spatially-Bandpass 2D IIR Beam Filters” with Rimesh, Mona Maini and Len Bruton.
“Modeling The Effects of Electromagnetic Inter-Element Coupling in Broadband Antenna Arrays using Multidimensional DSP” with Leo, Michael Petersson, and Len.
Arjuna Madanayake gives 4 papers at IEEE Intl. Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS‘2011) in Rio, Brazil.
Jithra Adikari speaks on the topic of “High speed computer arithmetic hardware for elliptic curve cryptography”.Slides.
The following papers have been accepted for publication at IEEE MWSCAS‘2011 to be held in Korea, this August:
“An Asynchronous Array Architecture for 16×1 DCT-4/DST-4 on a 65nm Achronix SDP60 FPGA” with Dale Mugler and Nilanka Rajapaksha.
“An Architecture for a 7×7-bit Multiple-Radix Multiplier Building Block” with Jithra Adikari, Amila Edirisuriya, and Vassil Dimitrov.
“A 2D IIR Spatially-Bandpass Antenna Beamformer on a 65nm Achronix SPD60 FPGA” with Rimesh Joshi and Len Bruton.
“Design and FPGA-Implementation of 1st-Order 4D IIR Frequency-Hyperplanar Digital Filters” with Randeel Wimalagunaratne, Don Dansereau, and Len Bruton.
Dr Jithra Adikari, PDF at Dept. of ECE, University of Waterloo, Canada, is visiting the ASPC Group for 1-week.
Welcome to UAkron, Jithra.
April 2011
Dr Vijay Devabhaktuni from the University of Toledo visits the research group and gives an invited talk on
“Multidisciplinary and Sponsored Graduate Research Program at the Computer Aided Design and Simulation Lab”.
Rimesh Man Joshi wins the Faraday TA of the year! Congratulations!!
Rimesh and Chamith are selected for the 2011 NRAO Summer School in single-dish radio astronomy,
Chamith Wijenayake wins the university-wide CUGSR graduate student research award.
Congratulations on your achievements.
February 2011
Dr Todor Cooklev, Director of the Wireless Technologies Center at Purdue-Indiana, delivers a research seminar on “Modern Wireless Systems” as well as a guest lecture in Dr Madanayake’s digital logic design class.
Our joint paper with Sean Hum at the University of Toronto and Len Bruton at the University of Calgary, Canada, entitled
“Effects of Quantization in Systolic 2D IIR Beam Filters on UWB Wireless Communications” has been accepted for publication
at the Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (CSSP). Congratulations Sean and Len!
January 2011
Chamith Wijenayake delivers an invited seminar and paper at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, entitled “Analog/Digital VLSI 2D Beam/Fan Filter Circuits For UWB Smart Antenna Arrays: A Review”. The paper is co-authored by Arjuna Madanayake, Leo Belostotski, and Len Bruton.
The ASPC group completes one year of existence.
Uma, Randeel, Amila and Shivakumar join as Masters students. Welcome to the team !
December 2010
The following papers have been accepted for publication at the next IEEE Intl. Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS‘2011, the flagship conference in the circuits area, to be held in Rio, Brazil next May.
“Analog 2D Fan Filters from Discrete Domain Transfer Functions” with Leo, Chamith and Len.
“Asynchronous-QDI 2D IIR Digital Filter Circuits” with Nilanka.
“Antenna-Array 2D-IIR Digital Filters for Carrier-Modulated Frequency-Agile and Cognitive Wireless
Systems” with Hamid and Len.
“Algebraic Integer Based 8×8 2-D DCT Architecture for Digital Video Processing” with Renato, Vassil, Denis and Len.
Well done! and thanks for all your hard work!
Nilanka attends IEEE ICM‘2010 in Cairo, Egypt to give two papers. See September news for details.
November 2010
Arjuna Madanayake delivers an invited seminar at the Department of EECS, University of Toledo, Ohio.
Topic: Fast Spacetime Algorithms and VLSI Circuits for Wideband RF Array Processing. Invited by Professor Vijay Devabhaktuni.
Arjuna Madanayake is appointed as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of ECE, University of Calgary, Canada, starting January 2011.
October 2010
The Cadence VLSI tools with Mosis CMOS kit, Mentor Precision, and Xilinx ISE is up and running on our Linux server.
Chamith attends IEEE SIPS‘2010 in California and gives a paper. Slides
September 2010
Arjuna and Renato visit the Wireless Technology Center at Indiana University – Purdue University, Fort Wayne, IN.
Renato delivers a guest lecture on trigonometric transforms, fast algorithms, and number-theory for the graduate course “Advanced Array Signal Processing”. Thanks for the excellent lecture!
The joint paper with Dr. Len Bruton titled “Systolic-Array 3D Wave-Digital Beam Filters” is accepted for future publication at the IEEE 2010 Asia Pacific Symposium on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS‘2010) to be held in Malaysia, in December 2010.
Nilanka’s paper on “Raster-Scanned Wave-Digital Filter Architectures for Multi-Beam 2D IIR Broadband Beamforming” (with Chamith and Len Bruton) is accepted for presentation at IEEE ICM‘2010 in Cairo, Egypt this December. Great job, Nilanka and Chamith!
The joint paper with our collaborators Ranga Rodrigo, Len Bruton, and 4 undergraduate researchers at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, titled “Scanned-Array Audio Beamforming using 2nd- and 3rd-Order 2D IIR Beam Filters on FPGA” is accepted for presentation at IEEE ICM‘2010 in Cairo, Egypt. Well done, team.
Renato Cintra (with Vassil Dimitrov as co-author) delivers an invited lecture on his recent contribution on “An Arithmetic Method for the Discrete Fourier Transform”. Slides are available here.n
The paper “Massively-parallel systolic-array architectures for 2D IIR polyphase space-time plane-wave beam digital filters” (with Thushara Gunaratne and Len Bruton) has been accepted for future publication at the International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (CTA) [Impact Factor =2.011].
Professor Renato Cintra, Professor Adjunto at the Department of Statistics Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Brazil, joins the group for the month of September. A warm welcome to Akron Renato!
August 2010
Arjuna Madanayake delivers invited seminar and paper titled “Multidimensional-DSP Algorithms and Hardware Architectures for Widefield Aperture-Arrays Aimed at The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) Project”, at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Chamith presents a paper at IEEE 2010 MidWest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) in Seattle.
July 2010
Professor Luidthardt Wolfram visits the Swiss students in Akron. Welcome Wolfram!
June 2010
David Zanella and Adrien Chassot from Switzerland start their internship at the University of Akron. Adrien will be working on a custom board for multidimensional-DSP using Achronix FPGA technology. David will work on a client-server interface to our filter algorithms database using Matlab NE.
Chamith’s paper “FPGA Prototypes of Differential-Form 2D-IIR Systolic-Array DSP Architectures for Multi-Beam Plane-Wave Filters” has been accepted for publication at IEEE SIPS‘2010 to be held in California. Congratulations Chamith!
May 2010
Arjuna Madanayake presents a paper at ISCAS‘2010 in Paris, France.
The group is visited by Achronix Semiconductor FAE Sujata Mahidhara for a 1-day training session.
Chamith’s paper “Systolic Array Architecture for 2D IIR Wideband Dual-Beam Space-Time Plane-Wave Filters” (with Dr Len Bruton) has been accepted for publication at IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS‘2010) in August. Congratulations Chamith!
April 2010
Dan, Eric, and Matt joins the group as undergraduate summer researchers. Jimmy will start in the Fall. Welcome guys !
Rimesh joined the group as an MSc student. Welcome Rimesh!
Awarded a Firestone Research Initiatives grant.
January 2010
The paper titled “Multidimensional Raster-Scanned LC-Ladder Wave-Digital Filter Hardware for Directional Filtering in Space-Time” (with Dr. Len Bruton) has been accepted for publication at the IEEE 2010 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’2010). Paris, here we come!
Nilanka and Chamith joined the research group as MSc students. Welcome!
December 2009 Arjuna Madanayake joined the University of Akron.