The paper titled “Low-Complexity Wideband Transmit Beamforming using Network-Resonant Digital Plane-Wave Filters” has been accepted at IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL). Congratulations to Chamith Wijenayake, Nilan Udayanga, Sravan Pulipati, Arjuna Madanayake and Dr. Len Bruton.
Month: May 2018
Vitor Coutingo delivered the research talk titled ““Low-complexity Discrete Transforms and Algorithms for Signal Processing Applications” on invitation by Dr. Arjuna Madanayake. Vitor is a J-1 visiting Ph.D. Candidate from UFPE, Brazil, under supervision from Drs. Renato Cintra and Fabio Bayer.
The ASPC Group, in collaboration with Dr. Nghi Tran, and Dr. Hong Liang (TSU) conducted a 2-day workshop on security-aware digital phased-array design for NSWC, Crane, IN, engineers. Viduneth Ariyarathna, Nilan Udayanga, Sravan Pulipati and Suresh Madhishetty were the resource persons in the workshop. We thank the Office of Naval Research (ONR) for financial support.
The paper titled “Computation of 2D 8×8 DCT Based on the Loeffler Factorization Using Algebraic Integer Encoding” is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Computers. Congratulations to co-authors Renato Cintra, Diego Coelho, Sushma Nimalapalli, Vassil Dimitrov, Arjuna Madanayake and Arnaud Tisserand.
New paper at Springer CSSP
The paper titled “Design and Digital Implementation of Fast and Recursive DCT II-IV Algorithms” is accepted for publication in Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (CSSP). Many congratulations to Shirani Perera, Arjuna Madanayake, Nathan Dornback, and Nilan Udayanga.