“SPECTRE is a dedicated fraternity whose strength lies in the absolute integrity of its members.”
― Ernst Stavro Blofeld [Bond villain]
ASPC Group Leader and PI
Dr Arjuna Madanayake
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Room 265, ASEC South Tower
University of Akron, Ohio, USA
Contact: arjuna@uakron.edu
Most Recent Positions
1. Tenure-track Assistant Professor, University of Akron, December 2009-August 2015.2. Post Doctoral Associate, Multidimensional Signal Processing
Group, and Institute of Space Imaging Science (ISIS), University
of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 2008 – April 2009.
3. Consultant, Headplay Canada, October 2007.
4. Laboratory Instructor, University of Calgary, Fall 2006.
5. Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Electrical and|
Computer Engineering, University of Calgary,
Alberta,Canada, July 2002-April 2008.
6. Junior Consultant, Dept. of Electronic and Telecommunication
Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2001-2002.
7. Visiting Instructor, Dept. of Electronic and Telecommunication
Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2000-2001.
PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Calgary. March 2008.
MSc in Electrical Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada. July
BSc in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University
of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, June 2001.
Professional organizations
1. Member, Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
Research grants
1. Firestone Research Initiatives (FRI) grants, 2010, $7.5K, 2010.
2. College of Engineering New Faculty Startup Grant, $549K, 2010.
3. US National Science Foundation (NSF), 2012, EARS: Collaborative Research: Enhancing Spectral Access via Directional Spectrum Sensing Employing 3D Cone Filterbanks: Interdisciplinary Algorithms and Prototypes, Award Number:1247940, $240,894.
4. Office of Naval Research (ONR), Communications and Networking
Technology Division, $115K
5. OESplus, 2014, $45K
6. ONR, Communications and Networking Technology Division, $207,791.
7. NSF, 2014, Collaborative Research: Electronically-Scanned Wideband Digital Aperture Antenna Arrays using Multi-Dimensional Space-Time Circuit-Network Resonance: Theory and Hardware, Award Number:140836, $200,000.
8. NSF, 2015, Collaborative Research: Arrays, Analog RF 2-D Filters, and Nanostructured Multiferroic Antennas for MM-wave OAM-Multiplexed Wireless Systems
Award Number:1509754; Principal Investigator:Habarakada Madanayake; Co-Principal Investigator:Yu Zhu, Ryan Toonen, Award Amount:$289,994.
Awards and scholarships
1. NSERC Post Doctoral Fellowship Award March 2009 (Nominated
for the 2009 Howard Alper Prize by the EECS Committee).
2. Queen Elizabeth II Award, February 2008 (declined).
3. Schulich Student Activities Fund (SSAF) Travel Grant, $1000, for
travel to ISCAS’06, Kos, Greece in May 2006.
4. Group grant from Schulich Student Activities Fund (SSAF), $6000 for forming FINESSE (member of six member student team/club).
5. iCORE International Graduate (Doctoral) Scholarship Fall 2005.
6. Graduate Faculty Council Scholarship (summer 2005).
7. Dean’s Entrance Scholarship (DES). Faculty of Graduate Studies,
University of Calgary (Fall 2004).
8. Research Services Travel Grant, $1000. April 2005 for travel to
ISCAS’05, Kobe, Japan in May 2005.
9. GSA Academic Project Fund Travel Grant, $500. April 2005.
10. GSA Academic Project Fund Travel Grant, $500. September 2004.
11. First Class Honours. University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka (2001).
Invited talks, presentations and lectures
1. Three-dimensional IIR Hexagonal Beam Filters for Possible
Massively-Parallel Applications in Radio Astronomy, The
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO), Herzberg
Institute of Astrophysics, Penticton, BC, Canada, May 16 2008
[Lecture at a scientific meeting].
2. A. Madanayake and G. Doluweera (joint presentation), Robust
Multicast of Electronic Warnings and Short-term Power Systems for
Natural Disasters, International Symposium of the Institute for
Infrastructure Renewal and Reconstruction (IIIRR), Calgary, AB,
Canada, April 10-11, 2008.
3. Broadband 3D Space-time RF Plane-wave Digital Filters – Potential
Applications in the SKA, Invited talk, November 6, 2007, Square
Kilometer Array (SKA) Technical Development Meeting, Dominion
Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO), Herzberg Institute of
Astrophysics, Penticton, BC, Canada.
4. FPGA Processors for Real-time 2D/3D IIR Frequency-planar/Beam
Filters, August 17 2007, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Victoria, BC, Canada.
5. Broadband 2D IIR Space-time Plane-wave Digital Filters: Recent
Progress, Challenges, and Future Work for RF Implementation,
August 10 2007, Edward S. Rogers, Sr. Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.
6. Nano-technologies for the Next 50 years, GNST 345 Ideas, Science,
and Innovation. 45 minute guest lecture. Faculty of Communication
and Culture, University of Calgary, AB, Canada.
Digital Logic Design, Spring 2010 109 Freshmen.
Advanced Array Signal Processing, Fall 2010, 4 Graduate students.
Digital Logic Design, Spring 2011 117 Freshmen.
Advanced Array Signal Processing, Fall 2011, 4 Graudate students.
Tools (Laboratory, Wednesday and Thursday), Fall 2011.
Professional Development
1. University Teaching Certificate (UTC), Spring 2007.
2. Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW), Winter 2007.
3. Schulich Engineering Summit 2007 – Specialized in Improving
Engineering Design.
4. Schulich Leadership Workshop, Fall 2007.
5. Engagement and Student Success, Teaching and Learning Centre
Workshop 2007.
6. Investment Bootcamp, Alberta Venture Prize Competition 2007.
One reply on “Bio”
Please send me your paper “Precise VLSI Architecture for AI Based 1-D/ 2-D Daub-6 Wavelet Filter Banks With Low Adder-Count”-2014.
Best regards.