Electronic Services

The UA authentication server is back up!

The UA authentication server is back up and running. Access to Springboard, My Akron, Student e-mail etc. has been restored.

Electronic Services

Several UA services are unavailable – My Akron, Springboard, Student e-mail etc.

There is a problem with the UA authentication server, which means several UA services including My Akron, Springboard, and UA Student e-mail are inaccessible at this time.

Electronic Services

MARC records: Classical Music Library

3,354 records were loaded for the Classical Music Library collection on 5/14/2013. Records loaded include the original CML set and supplements 1-5, and 7. Supplements 6, 8-9 will be loaded once they become available for download. Link to example CML record:

Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

3D Printing Coming to Bierce Library

We are adding a 3D printer to Bierce Library. The Makerbot Replicator 2X will arrive within the next month. The Emerging Technology Lab team is working on its implementation and will announce the machine’s availability when it arrives.

Electronic Services Professional Development UAL Technical Services Committee

ALCTS Continuing Education Webinar Archives

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) routinely offers one hour continuing education webinars on a variety of topics including cataloging, preservation, and institutional repositories to name a few.  After 90 days of original broadcast, these webinars are made freely available in the ALCTS webinar archive and on the ALCTS YouTube Channel.

Included are several introductory level webinars on Resource Description and Access (RDA), the new rules and guidelines for creating cataloging recordings that will be fully adopted by the Library of Congress at the of the month.  Those wanting to know more about the standard may be interested in the RDA for the Non-Cataloger webinar from Oct. 2012. (One word of caution: RDA continues to evolve as a standard so some of the older RDA webinars contain information that is now out of date.)

Electronic Services Professional Development

We need you!!! Open Forum on RDA Elements

Changes to the OhioLINK central catalog for new RDA elements… and we need your input

What: open forum on RDA elements
Purpose: to gather your input
Where: Bierce 274 Learning Studio
When: April 17, 1.00-2.00
Who? YOU!

OhioLINK’s Database Maintenance and Standards Committee (DMSC) wants to put forth a proposal for how several new or changed RDA elements will appear and function in OhioLINK’s central catalog.  They’ve distributed a draft of the proposal and are seeking feedback.  A core group of UAL technical services folks will be evaluating the technical elements of the draft.

We are also having an open forum to present the proposal and get feedback that we can forward to DMSC. We’ll have the open forum on April 17, 2013, from 1:00 to 2:00, in Bierce Learning Studio 274. Anyone interested is welcome to participate in the forum.  We plan to include some screen shots or live displays of how these RDA elements currently appear in public catalogs.

If you’re interested in seeing the draft of the actual proposal, it’s available on SharePoint.

For more information, contact David Procházka (

Access Services Electronic Services Professional Development Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library

LibQual Drawing Winners Selected

iPad Mini Winner – Joe Demczuk

The drawing winners for the LibQual survey have been selected and will be coming to Bierce to claim their prizes. The grand prize winner (iPad Mini – pictured) and second prize winner (4 Cedar Point tickets) have already stopped by. Here are the winners and their prizes:

1) iPad Mini – Joe Demczuk
2) 4 Cedar Point Tickets – Jonathon Provchy
3) $50 UA Gift Card – Gregory Close
4) $50 UA Gift Card – Caleb Steidl
5) $50 UA Gift Card – Sherie Acierto (fac/staff)
6) $50 UA Gift Card – Elisha Ann Dumser (fac/staff)
7) $50 UA Gift Card – Jo Dangel (fac/staff)
8) $50 UA Gift Card – Scott Sell
9) $50 UA Gift Card – Charles Hier (fac/staff)
10) $50 UA Gift Card – Richard Londraville (fac/staff)
11) $50 UA Gift Card – Charles Stallings
12) $50 UA Gift Card – Hao Wong

I am sure that these incentives helped us to get such a good response rate (20%) and thank the LibQual Team:

Jo Ann Calzonetti
Ann Evans
Lori Fielding
Charles Fisher
Shari Laster
Pete Linberger

Electronic Services

Fixing Internet Explorer’s Display Problems

Are you using Internet Explorer? Do web pages look like the following?

Then it’s very likely that you have Internet Explorer’s “Quirks Mode” turned on. Quirks Mode  renders web pages as if you were using Internet Explorer 5.5, breaking the page’s display.

You can rectify this by doing the following:

  1. With Internet Explorer open, Press the F12 key on your keyboard, which will display a control console at the bottom of the browser.
  2. Click “Browser Mode” in the control panel and then click the document mode that reflects the newest iteration of your browser – example: “IE9” if using Internet Explorer 9.
  3. Click “Document Mode” in the control panel and then click the document mode that reflects the newest iteration of your browser – example: “Internet Explorer 9 Standards” if using Internet Explorer 9.

Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

Recent Scholarly and Professional Activity in UL

Please join me in recognizing our colleagues for their recent scholarly and professional activity. I apologize if I missed any of your recent accomplishments. Please e-mail me directly and I will include you in the next listing.

Susan Ashby:

– Panel Session “Zen and the Art of a Sierra Migration” at the Eastern Great Lakes Innovative Users Group Conference. September 21, 2012 in Akron, OH.

– Co-Presented “Implementing Sierra” at the Eastern Great Lakes Innovative Users Group Conference. September 21, 2012 in Akron, OH.

– Presented “Demand Driven Acquisitions” at the Eastern Great Lakes Innovative Users Group Conference. September 21, 2012 in Akron, OH.

– Accepted and started a 3-three year appointment as a System Functional Expert for the Innovative Users Group.

Lori Fielding:

– Received the Muslim Journeys Bookshelf collection as part of a National Endowment for the Humanities Bridging Cultures Initiative.

Jeff Franks:

– Franks, Jeffrey A. Consult Me First: Building Consultative Relationships between Top-Level and Mid-Level Library Managers. In Managing in the Middle. Chicago: American Library Association, 2012.

– Franks, Jeffrey A. The Poor Administrator and You: Survival Tips for the Mid-Level Manager In Managing in the Middle. Chicago: American Library Association, 2012.

Mike Hawkins:

– Michael Hawkins. Review of Fischer, Klaus P., Hitler and America. H-German, H-Net Reviews. March, 2013,

Michelle Mascaro:

– Gainer, Emily and Michelle Mascaro. “Faster Digital Output: Using Student Workers to Create Metadata for a Grant-Funded Project.” Provenance, v. 30 (2012):8-28.

– Bibliographic Standards Committee, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College and Research Libraries. Examples to Accompany Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books). Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service, 2013. In Catalogers Desktop. (Specifically, I am acknowledged in the introduction for conducting final proofreading and formatting of the examples.)

– Co-moderated with Christine DeZelar-Tiedman, University of Minnesota, a discussion session titled “Directing without a Script: Strategies for Successful Technical Services Project Management” at the Rare Book and Manuscript Section Preconference in Minneapolis, Minn., June 23-26, 2013.

Mike Tosko:

– “RTÉ Archives: Raidio Teilifis Eireann” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 50.5 (2013): 840-.

– “Atlas of the Great Irish Famine.” Booklist 109.8 (2012): 27-.

– “The African American Electorate: A Statistical History.” Booklist 109.6 (2012): 28-.

– “Eyewitness to World War II: The Epic Story of History’s Greatest Conflict.” Booklist 109.6 (2012): 28-.

– “The Literature of War.” Booklist 109.6 (2012): 28-.

Electronic Services Professional Development

Open Session: May 6 HathiTrust webinar

What: HathiTrust: The Collection and Its Uses
When: May 6, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.
Where: Bierce 154
Who: Any and all library faculty and staff who wish to attend

See more about the HathiTrust and its collections at their site


Topic Summary:
Join Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative director, and Veronica Diaz, ELI associate director, as they moderate this webinar with John Wilkin and Sigrid Anderson Cordell. Wilkin and Cordell will provide an overview of HathiTrust and will discuss some uses of the materials in the repository. HathiTrust is the world’s largest research library digital repository of published books and journals. The presentation will cover HathiTrust’s origins, as well as the collection and its relationship to library collections more generally. Wilkin and Cordell will also discuss uses of HathiTrust materials, with specific discussion of lawful uses and uses in the classroom.

The speakers:

John P. Wilkin is the associate university librarian for publishing and technology and the executive director of HathiTrust. MPublishing is the primary academic publishing enterprise of the University of Michigan and part of the University Library. Units include the UM Press, the Text Creation Partnership, the Copyright Office, Deep Blue (Michigan’s institutional repository), and a digital publishing operation responsible for electronic journals, content hosting, and many open access monographs. The Library Information Technology (LIT) Division supports the library’s online catalog and related technologies, provides the infrastructure to both digitize and access digital library collections, supports the library’s web presence, and provides frameworks and systems to coordinate library technology activities (e.g., authentication and authorization). Reporting units include Core Services, Digital Library Production Service, Library Systems, the Learning Technology Incubation Group, the User Experience Department, and Web Services.

Sigrid Anderson Cordell is the librarian for history and American culture, as well as the interim librarian for English literature, at the University of Michigan’s Hatcher Graduate Library. She holds a PhD in English and American literature from the University of Virginia and was a Council on Library and Information Resources postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University Library in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. She has taught in the English department at the University of Virginia and in the Freshman Writing Program at Harvard University. Her book, Fictions of Dissent: Reclaiming Authority in Transatlantic Women’s Writing of the Late Nineteenth Century, was published by Pickering and Chatto in 2010. Her work has appeared in Victorian Literature and Culture and American Periodicals and is forthcoming in Neo-Victorian Studies and in portal: Libraries and the Academy.