Electronic Services General Interest Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library

ProQuest Maintenance 8/20

ProQuest has a maintenance window coming up from Saturday 8/20/16 at 10pm through Sunday 8/21/16 at 6am. This will cause many ProQuest platforms and products to be temporarily offline, including the ProQuest platform, ProQuest Congressional, and RefWorks, among others. The complete list of affected products is at this ProQuest support site.

Electronic Services Professional Development

Bierce Library Hosting ALAO TEDSIG 2016 Workshop

Bierce Library Hosting ALAO TEDSIG 2016 Workshop

Streamlining Technical Services Workflows with MarcEdit

Presenter: Terry Reese (The Ohio State University)

Terry Reese, of the Ohio State University, will lead a workshop on how to use MarcEdit to streamline typical technical services workflows, especially as they pertain to cataloging, file loading, and electronic resources. This workshop’s target audience are both those new to MarcEdit, and those who are familiar with MarcEdit but need a refresher. Terry Reese created MarcEdit nearly seventeen years ago and has supported and developed this free software package used by librarian around the world.

Registration is full for the workshop to be held this Friday, August 12th, in Learning Studio 154 from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM.



Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development University Libraries

Monaco Elected to NOTSL Board

Mike Monaco

Coordinator, Cataloging Services

On June 10, 2016, Mike Monaco was part of a panel presenting to NOTSL (Northern Ohio Technical Services Librarians) in the program “Now What? RDA and Best Practices for Cataloging Special Formats”.  Mike was also elected to Vice Chair of the NOTSL Board.  According to their website, the Vice Chairperson serves three consecutive one-year terms, one as Vice-Chairperson/Chairperson Elect, one as Chairperson, and one as Immediate Past Chair and Chair of the Scholarship Committee.

Way to keep professionally busy, Mike!


Electronic Services

Sierra Help Access Issue … updated

We’re experiencing issues accessing Sierra Help on our local Sierra Server.  When accessing Sierra Help via the Sierra Desktop App or through a saved bookmark, users are prompted twice for their Sierra login and password. After entering the login and password the second time, the login fails.  I’ll open a ticket with III.  In the mean time, you can still access Sierra Help through III CSDirect.

Usually I’d tell you to go to the Sierra SharePoint for the link to CSDirect and the CSDirect username and password.  However, this information is on a web page in SharePoint and if you read my previous post, you’ll know that I can’t because you won’t be able to see the information :(.

If you need to access Sierra Help, send me an e-mail or call me and I’ll send you the link to CSDirect and get you the username and password.

Update 8/2/2016 4:45 pm
III is aware of the issue and is working to resolve it. You can access Sierra Help via CSDirect.  From the CSDirect home page, click on Sierra and then click on SIerra Web  Help.

For CSDirect access and login information go to:

Electronic Services Professional Development

David Procházka Professionally Active

In March, David Procházka presented “Tracing Tárrega’s Preludes for Guitar” at the 2016 meeting of the Music OCLC Users Group in Cincinnati (

During fall 2015, David Procházka wrote an introduction for a new edition of Vincent d’Indy’s orchestral piece Diptyque méditerranéen.  (München : Musikproduktion Höflich, 2015).

Nice job!

Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

OhioLINK services & possible browser errors

OH-TECH has informed OhioLINK that on Tuesday, May 31, between 9am and 11am, they will be updating the load balancers for all their services (which includes OhioLINK services). There will be no downtime as part of this maintenance.

However, as part of this, OH-TECH will be disallowing certain types of connections from outdated browsers. Users with outdated browsers may see errors.

OH-TECH has verified that the following browser versions will continue to access all services without error after the change.

Google Chrome: v 51, 50, 49
Mozilla Firefox: v 46, 45, 44
Apple Safari: v 9, 8, 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer: v 11, 10, 9

Other browsers may also continue to function, but this is what has been tested.

Electronic Services UAL Access Services Committee UAL Technical Services Committee

New Sierra Temporary Fixed-field Codes

I’ve recently created new temporary item location, status, and imessage codes to be used during the Law Library move and renovation.  The new codes,  how they will be used, and how they will display in the UAL Catalog can found at:

These codes are only to be used for Law items being moved or put into storage during the Law School and Law Library renovation.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Access Services Electronic Services Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library Standards Committees UAL Access Services Committee UAL Technical Services Committee UAL User Interfaces Committee

2016 IUG Enhancement Voting

As a member of IUG, University Libraries is eligible to vote for 2016 IUG Enhancement ballot items.  As IUG liaison I’m the person designated to complete the ballot. Based on your input I’ll cast votes in each of the categories that are applicable to our Sierra system.

2016 IUG Enhancement Ballot:

  • Below are the page numbers for the functional areas applicable to our Sierra system set-up. Look over the ballot items in each section that corresponds to the function(s) you use in Sierra.
  • Select up to the maximum number of ballot items allowed in each functional section. Copy and paste the Ballot # into a list. Examples: ACQ-1 Funds, CIR-40 Patron Record.
  • Some sections may be of interest to all: Create Lists, Core Functionality, WebPac, Statistics and Reporting
  • Once you have completed your list(s) of ballot items, send them to me by 12:00 pm (noon) on Monday 2/29.


Acquisitions (choose 8)                          Page       1

Cataloging  (choose 4)                            Page       8

Circulation  (choose 22)                          Page      12

Core Functionality  (choose 10)             Page      32

Create Lists and
Global/Rapid Updates  (choose 4)         Page      41

ERM   (choose 2)                                      Page      45

INNReach   (choose 2)                             Page      52

Other Programs  (choose 2)                    Page      54

Serials  (choose 3)                                   Page      58

Statistics and Reporting   (choose 3)    Page      61

WebPAC   (choose 12)                             Page      64

 You can view previous year’s ballots and the 2016 Ballot in Excel format on the IUG website.  You’ll need to log in with your MyIUG Login. If you don’t have a MyIUG login, you can create one. Our member code is 456.


For more information on the IUG Enhancement Process:

Electronic Services UAL Technical Services Committee

ALCTS webinar: RDA Serials Cataloging Update

On December 8, at 2:00, University Libraries will host a live showing of an ALCTS webinar titled “RDA Serials Cataloging Update,” presented by Steve Shadle (University of Washington).  We’ve reserved Bierce Learning Studio 154 for the event.  Additional information about the webinar is available at  Questions?  Ask David or Michelle.


Electronic Services General Interest

End of an Era

OCLC prints last library catalog cards

OCLC printed its last library catalog cards October 1, officially closing the book on what was once a familiar resource for generations of information seekers who now use computer catalogs and online search engines to access library collections. The final print run marked the end of a service that has steadily decreased over the past few decades as libraries moved their catalogs online. During the 44-year run of automated catalog card production, OCLC printed more than 1.9 billion cards.

More of the story available at