Sierra: Spring Create Lists Training

I’ll be offering two general Sierra Create Lists training sessions this spring. Both sessions will be held in Bierce 274. You’re welcome to attend whether you are new to Create Lists and would like basic training or you’re familiar with Create Lists and would like a review.

10:00 am – 11:30 pm on Monday, 5/15/2017
2:00 pm –   3:30 pm on Wednesday, 5/24/2017 (rescheduled from 4/26)

Please e-mail me at if you plan to attend either session.

More Sierra training sessions will be scheduled this summer including Create Lists, exporting/importing data from Sierra to Excel, Statistics, and Using Sierra Help/CSDirect.  Stay tuned for details!


Electronic Services General Interest

Outage affecting all OhioLINK services Tuesday 3/21 7:30pm

OH-TECH needs to complete some urgent maintenance on the systems that govern access to our servers. This maintenance will take place on Tuesday, March 21 from 7:30-10pm. They are expecting any service outage during that window to be less than 30 minutes. During the outage, however, all OhioLINK services will be unavailable.

Affected Services:
· ETD Center
· Central Catalog*
· Music Center
· Rave URL resolver

We are not anticipating any issues after the maintenance, as the services themselves are not being taken down. OH-TECH is just interrupting the access routes. Once access is restored, Judy and I will double check everything, but services should be up and functioning as they were before the maintenance.

* While the Central Catalog is unavailable, messages between local catalogs and Central will be queued and processed when Central is available again. This will include all PCIRC renewals and pickup anywhere transactions. Once the maintenance is completed, OhioLINK will check the record queues from the local catalogs to Central and make sure that they are connected and that any queued messages are being processed.

We recognize that OhioLINK users are working all the time, and regret any inconvenience that this maintenance may cause.

Please email with questions or issues.


Meghan Frazer
Manager, Technology Integration

General Interest Professional Development Science & Technology Library

Stitz Presentation in May

Tammy Stitz, Science & Technology Library

Tammy Stitz and Shelley Blundell will be presenting the mini-conference, Accessibility in the archives: Are your online materials compliant? at the Society of Ohio Archivists Annual Meeting on May 19, 2017. The presentation will introduce a comprehensive, multi-sourced rubric that assesses Web accessibility compliance of online information resources.  They will also apply this resource to examples of online archives.

Nice work, Tammy!


UPDATE: it appears that Amazon Web Services is back up and running, which means so should LibGuides.

Due to an outage with Amazon AWS S3 servers, our LibGuides are down. Other SpringShare products such as room booking, do not seem to be effected.

I’ll continue to monitor the situation and update as events warrant.

General Interest Professional Development Science & Technology Library

Ian McCullough Round Up

Ian McCullough, Physical Sciences Librarian and Interim Head

 We have some catching up to do on Ian McCullough’s professional activities.

He had an article published:

McCullough, Ian. 2016. “Journal usage at department and research group level.” Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 28(2), 73-83. Invited paper. doi: 10.1080/1941126X.2016.1164550

He was a presenter at the American Association of University Professors conference this Summer:

“‘You’re Faculty?’: Academic Librarians and Their Support of Faculty Unions.” AAUP Conference on the State of Higher Education, Washington, D.C. June 16, 2016

Ian was also invited to speak at a colloquium on scholarly communication at Robert Morris University:

“Journal Impact Factor and Current Issues in Scientific Scholarly Communication, Publishing, and Librarianship.” and “Help me be a better librarian to my science, math, and engineering faculty” colloquiums presented at Robert Morris University, Moon County, Pennsylvania, November 15, 2016.

Finally, just this week, Ian won a travel grant this week ($2500 and free registration):

ACS Publications Travel Grant for Librarians and Library School Students, San Francisco, April 2-6 2017

Congratulations on your accomplishments!



Dean's Office General Interest Professional Development

DeChambeau Published

Dr. Aimee L DeChambeau, UL Dean’s Office

It is exciting to announce that an article Aimee co-authored with Sue Ramlo has just been published online:

deChambeau, A. L. , & Ramlo, S. E. (2016). STEM High School Teachers’ Views of Implementing PBL: An Investigation Using Anecdote Circles. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 11(1).

Available at:

Nice work, Aimee!




General Interest Professional Development Research & Learning Services

Gersch Wins Visionary Award

Dr. Beate Gersch

UL Research & Learning Services

Dr. Beate Gersch, Coordinator of Instruction Services and Bibliography and Undergraduate Outreach Librarian is this year’s winner of the Distance Learning Visionary Award as announced by the Distance Learning Interest Group of the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO).

Noted for presenting internationally at ACRL, LOEX, DLS, ECIL and IFLA on topics such as archival research, collaboration, the Framework, library outreach with students and administrators, and assessment of academic libraries’ web pages. She currently has book chapters in press and has published journal articles and conference papers on these same topics. She recognizes the importance of intercultural communication as it relates to information literacy instruction as well as collaboration within the university and assessing impact.

Beate will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming DLIG Workshop on Friday June 9, 2017 at the Voice of America Learning Center of Miami University, West Chester, Ohio.

Congratulations on receiving this award, Beate!  Outstanding work!


Center for the History of Psychology Cummings Center for the History of Psychology Professional Development University Press

Amy Freels Completes Certificate

Amy Freels, University of Akron Press

Amy Freels completed her undergraduate certificate in Museums & Archives in December.  This is a new certificate through the Institute for Human Science and Culture (IHSC) at the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.

Congratulations, Amy!


Electronic Services General Interest Research & Learning Services

ProQuest scheduled downtime 1/28-29

Over the weekend of Saturday-Sunday, 28-29 Jan. 2017, a ProQuest product maintenance window will launch worldwide to upgrade infrastructure, enhance security, and maintain reliability of your products.

During this 8-hour window, some ProQuest products will be unavailable. While the date and time were chosen to minimize the impact on our customers, we realize that some users may be affected, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Additionally, web-based customer access will be redirected to a webpage stating the planned maintenance times.

Global Timing

* United States (EST): Saturday, 28 Jan., 10:00 p.m. through Sunday, 29 Jan., 6:00 a.m.
* United Kingdom (GMT): Sunday, 29 Jan., 3:00 a.m. through Sunday, 29 Jan., 11:00 a.m.
* Australia (AEDT): Sunday, 29 Jan., 12:00 p.m. through Sunday, 29 Jan., 8:00 p.m.
* Tokyo (JST): Sunday, 29 Jan., 11:00 a.m. through Sunday, 29 Jan., 7:00 p.m.
* China (CST): Sunday, 29 Jan., 10:00 a.m. through Sunday, 29 Jan., 6:00 p.m.

The following products will be temporarily offline:

Research databases

* ProQuest platform (
* ProQuest Congressional (
* ProQuest Dialog (
* ProQuest Archiver
* ProQuest Trials
* Chadwyck-Healey US databases
* CultureGrams
* eLibrary (all editions)
* ProQuest Digital Microfilm
* ProQuest Obituaries
* ProQuest Research Companion
* SIRS (all editions)
* Ancestry
* Sanborn maps

Dissertation publishing

* ProQuest/UMI ETD Administrator

Reference management/Research support tools

* RefWorks
* COS Funding Opportunities
* COS Scholar Universe
* Pivot
* Papers Invited

Bibliographic and catalog enrichment resources

* Books in Print®
* LibraryThing for Libraries™
* Resources for College Libraries
* ProQuest Syndetic Solutions
* Self-Published Author

Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Monaco Review Published

Mike Monaco, Electronic Services

Mike Monaco, Coordinator of Cataloging Services, published a review of the Grand Comics Database in Technical Services Quarterly.

The review is published here:

and an open-access copy can be downloaded from Selected Works here:

Well done, Mike!