Large Branchiopod Bibliography G-M

Gajardo, G. M., R. Wilson and O. Zuniga.  1992.  Report on the occurrence of Artemia in a saline deposit of the Chilean Andes (Branchiopoda, Anostraca).  Crustaceana, 63(2): 169-174.Gajl, K.  1924.  Über zwei faunistische Typen aus der Umgebung von Warschau auf Grund von Untersuchungen an Phyllopoden und Copepoden.  Bul. Int. Acad. Pol. Sci., B, 1924: 13-55.

Gajl, K.  1934.  Branchinecta paludosa aus der Tatra als eine neue Art betrachtet: ihre Morphologie, Ökologie und geographische Verbreitung.  Mémoires de l’ Academie Polonaise des Sceinces et des Letteres, ???: 237-276.

Gallego, O. F.  1992.  Triassic Conchostraca from Mendoza and San Juan, Argentina.  Ameghiniana, 29(2): 159-175.

Gallego, O. F. 1994.  Jurassic Conchostraca (Cyzicidae) from Santa Cruz and Chubut, Argentina.  Ameghiniana, 31(4): 333-345.

Gallego, O. F.  et al.  1993.  Cyzicus falconeri, new species (Conchostraca) from the Uaguari Formation (Upper Permian) of Uruguay.  Ameghiniana, 30(1): 17-22.

Garman, H.  1926.  A new phyllopod crustacean from Kentucky.  Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Sciences, 1: 85-87.

Garreau de Loubresse, N.  1965.  Caractères les plus apparents de la reproduction de Tanymastix lacunae G. en élavage.  Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires de Séances de l’ Académie des Sciences, Paris, 260(12): 1751-1754.

Garreau de Loubesse, N.  1967. Apparition de structures cristallines intramitochondriales au cours de la spermiogenèse de Tanymastix lacunae G. (Crustacé Entomostracé).  Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires de Séances de l’ Académie des Sciences, Paris, 264: 2325-2328.

Garreau de Loubresse, N.  1970.  Apparition de corps lamellaires au voisage du nucléole, dans les spermatides de Streptocephalus torvicornis W. (Crustacé Phyllopode).  Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’ Académie des Sciences, Paris, 270: 116-119.

Garreau de Loubresse, N.  N.  1974.  Étude chronologique de la mise en place des enveloppes de l’ oeuf d’ un crustacé phyllopode: Tanymastix lacunae.  Journal de Microscopie, 20: 21-38.

Gaudin, F. A.  1960.  Egg production of Streptocephalus seali Ryder, with notes on the distinctions between certain North American streptocephalids.  The Southwestern Naturalist, 5: 61-65.

Gauthier, J.  1936.  Entomostracés de Madagascar (5e note). Description d’ un nouveau Lynceus (Conchostacés).  Bulletin
de la Société Zoologique de France, 10: 105-116.

Gauthier, H.  1937.  Euphyllopodes … récoltés par M. Monod au Sahara Occidental et en Mauritanie.  Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc, 17: 76-98.

Gauthier, H.  1939.  Contribution à l’ étude de la faune dulçaquicole de la région du Tchad et particulièrement des Branchiopodes et des Ostracodes.  Bulletin de l’ Institut Francais d’ Afrique Noire, Dakar, 1: 110-244.

Geddes, M. C.  1973.  Studies on Australian Anostracans (Crustacea: Branchiopoda).  Ph. D. thesis.  Monash University.

Geddes, M. C.  1973.  Salinity tolerance and osmotic and ionic regulation in Branchinella australiensis and B. compacta (Crustacea: Anostraca).  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 45A: 559-569.

Geddes, M. C.  1973.  A new species of Parartemia (Anostraca) from Australia.  Crustaceana, 25: 5-12.

Geddes, M. C.  1975.  Studies on an Australian brine shrimp, Parartemia zietziana Sayce (Crustacea: Anostraca).  1. Salinity tolerance.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 51A: 553-559.

Geddes, M. C.  1975.  Studies on an Australian brine shrimp, Parartemia zietziana Sayce (Crustacea: Anostraca).  2. Osmotic and ionic regulation.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 51A: 561-571.

Geddes, M. C.  1975.  Studies on an Australian brine shrimp, Parartemia zietziana Sayce (Crustacea: Anostraca).  3. The mechanisms of osmotic and ionic regulation.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 51A: 573-578.

Geddes, M. C.  1976.  Seasonal fauna of some ephemeral saline waters in western Victoria with particular reference to Parartemia zietziana Sayce (Crustacea: Anostraca).  Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 27: 1-22.

Geddes, M. C.  1980.  The brine shrimps Artemia and Parartemia in Australia.  Pages 57-65.  In: G. Persoone, P. Sorgeloos, O. Roels and E. Jaspers (eds.).  The brine shrimp Artemia.  Vol. 3.  Universa Press.  Wetteren, Belgium.

Geddes, M. C.  1981.  Revision of Australian species of Branchinella (Crustacea: Anostraca).  Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 32: 253-295.

Geddes, M. C.  1981.  The brine shrimps Artemia and Parartemia: comparative physiology and distribution in Australia.  Hydrobiologia, 81: 169-179. Geddes, M. C.  1983.  Biogeography and ecology of Australian Anostraca (Crustacea: Branchiopoda).  Pages 144-171.  In: J. K. Lowry (ed.).  Papers from the Conference on Biology and Evolution of Crustacea.  Memoir 18.  The Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia.  (155-163 ?)

Geiser, S. W.  1933.  On the type localities of certain Texas Phyllopoda.  Field and Labatory, 1: 47-50.

Gilchrist, B. M.  1954.  Hemoglobin in Artemia.  Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, (B), 143: 136-146.

Gilchrist, B. M.  1956.  The oxygen consumption of Artemia salina L. in different saliniities.  Hydrobiologia, 8: 54-65.

Gilchrist, B. M.  1960.  Growth and form of the brine shrimp Artemia salina.  Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 134: 221-235.

Gilchrist, B. M.  1978.  Scanning electron microscope studies of the egg shell in some Anostraca (Crustacea: Branchiopoda).  Cell and Tissue Research, 193: 337-351.

Gilchrist, B. M. and J. Green.  1962.  Bile pigment in Chirocephalus diaphanus Prevost (Crustacea: Anostraca).  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 7: 117-125.

Gilchrist, B. M. and P. F. Zagalsky.  1983.  Isolation of a blue canthaxanthin-protein from connective tissue storage cells in Branchinecta packardi Pearse (Crustacea: Anostraca) and its possible role in vitellogenesis.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 76: 885-894.

Gissler, C. F.  1881.  Description of a hermaphroditic phyllopod crustacean (Eubranchipus).  American Naturalist, 15: 136-139.

Gissler, C. F.  1883.  VI.  Miscellaneous notes on the reproductive habits of Branchiopodidae.  In: A. S. Packard.  A monograph of the phyllopod Crustacea of North America with remarks on the Order Phyllocarida.  In: F. V. Hayden.  Twelfth annual report of the United States Geological and Geographic Survey of the Territories: a report of progress of the exploration in Wyoming and Idaho for the year 1878.  Part 1, section 2, pages 420-431.   United States Geological Survey.  Washington, D. C.  Go, E. C., A. S. Pandey and T. H. MacRae.  1990.  Effect of inorganic mercury on the emergence and hatching of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana.  Marine Biology, 107: 93-102.

Gordon, K.  1932.  Branchinecta coloradensis in Cologado.  Science, 75: 287-288.

Gordon, L. S.  1948.  Variation and ecology of Lepidurus from a single temporary pond.  M. S. thesis.  University of California, Berkeley.  Berkeley, California.  ??? pp.

Graham, T. B.  1994.  Predation by dipteran larvae on fairy shrimp (Crustacea: Anostraca) in Utah rock-pools.  The Southwestern Naturalist, 39(2): 206-207.

Grainger, J. N. R.  1976.  Further records for the fairy shrimp Tanymastix stagnalis (L.).  Irish Naturalists Journal, 18: 326.

Grainger, J. N. R.  1981.  The effect of constant and changing temperatures on the period from egg hatching to egg laying in Tanymastix stagnalis.  Journal of Thermal biology, 6: 353-356.

Grainger, J. N. R.  1991.  The biology of Tanymastix stagnalis (L.) and its survival in large and small temporary water bodies in Ireland.  Hydrobiologia, 212: 77-82.

Grasser, J.  1933.  Eie exkretorischen Organe von Triops (Apus) cancriformis.  Z. Wiss. Zool., 144: 317-362.

Gravier, Ch. and P. Mathias.  1930.  Sur la reproduction d’ un Crustacé Phyllopode du groupe des Conchostracés (Cyzicus cycladoïdes, Joly).  Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., 191: 183-185.

Greene, C. W.  1924.  The circulatory system of the brine shrimp.  Science, New York, 60: 411-412.

Grochmalicki, J.  1921.  Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Süsswasserfauna Ostafrikas (Phyllopoda).  Prace Komisji mat.-przyr. Tow. przyjaciol nauk Ser. B., 1: 142-154.

Grube, A. E.  1853.  Bemerkungen über die Phyllopoden, nebst einer Übersicht igrer Gattungen und Arten.  Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 19, I, 71-172.   (71-162 ?)

Grube, A. E.  1874.  Sitzung der naturhist.  Section der Schlesischen Gessellschaft am.  4 November.

Guérine Meneville, F. E.  1829.  Iconographid du Régne Animal de G. Cuvier.  Paris, 3: 38.

Gunter, R. T.  1899.  Contributions to the natural history of Lake Urmi, N. W. Persia and its neighborhood.  Crustacea.  Journal of the Linnean Society of London, 27: 394-398.

Gurney, R.  1904.  On a small collection of freshwater Entomostraca from South Africa.  Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 2: 298-301.

Gurney, R.  1906.  On two Entomostraca from Ceylon.  Spolia Ceylanica, 4: 14-15.  (288-297 ?)

Gurney, R.  1906.  On some freshwater Entomostraca in the collection of the Indian Museum, Calcutta.  Journal of the Asiatic Society, Bengal, 2: 273-281.

Gurney, R.  1909.  On the freshwater Crustacea of Algeria and Tunisia.  Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, 3:  273-305.

Gurney, R.  1924.  Some notes on the genus Apus (Crustacea, Branchiopoda).  Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 14(9): 559-568.

Gurney, R.  1925.  Some Asiatic specimens of Apus.  Records of the Indian Museum, 27: 439-442.

Gurney, R.  1926.  The nauplius larva of Limnetis gouldi. International Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrogeographie, 16: 114-117.

Gurney, R.  1930.  A new species of branchiopod from southern India.  Records of the Indian Museum, 32: 63-64.

Gurney, R.  1931.  Branchiopoda.  Reports of an expedition to Brazil and Paraguay in 1926-7.  Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology, 37: 265-275.

Halfer-Cervini, A., M. Piccinelli and T. Prosdocimi.  1967.  Fenomeni di isolamento genetico in Artemia salina.  Atti della Associazione Genetica Italiana, 12: 312-327.

Halfer Cervini, A. M., M. Piccinelli, T. Posdocimi and L. Baratelli-Zambruni.  1968.  Sibling species in Artemia (Crustacea, Branchiopoda).  Evolution, 22: 373-381.

Hall, R. E.  1953.  Observations on the hatching of eggs of Chirocephalus diaphanus Prevost.  Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 123: 95-109.

Hall, R. E.  1959.  The development of eggs of Chirocephalus diaphanus Prévost at a low temperature.  Hydrobiologia, 13: 156-159.

Hall, R. E.  1959.  Delayed development of eggs of Chirocephalus diaphanus Prévost.  Hydrobiologia, 13: 160-169.

Hall, R. E.  1959.  The development of eggs of Chirocephalus diaphanus Prévost in relation to depth of water.  Hydrobiologia, 14: 79-84.

Hall, R. E.  1961.  On some aspects of the natural occurrence of Chirocephalus diaphanus Prevost.  Hydrobiologia, 17: 205-217.

Hall, R. E. and L. J. MacDonald.  1985.  Hatching of the anostracan branchiopod Chirocephalus diaphanus Prévost.  I. Osmotic processes and the possible role of glycerol.  Hydrobiologia, 46: 369-375.

Hamer, M. L.  1989.  Studies on the phyllopod fauna of ephemeral pools in North Eastern Natal.  Thesis.  Department of Zoology, University of Natal.  Natal, South Africa.  207 pages.

Hamer, M. L.  1994.  A new Streptocephalus species (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca) from Zimbabwe.  Annals of the Natal Museum, 35: 1-4.

Hamer, M. L. and C. C. Appleton.  1991.  Life history adaptations of phyllopods in response to predators, vegetation and habitat duration in north-eastern Natal.  Pages 105-116.  In: D. Belk, H. J. Dumont and N. Munuswamy (eds.).  Studies on large Branchiopod biology and aquaculture.  Developments in Hydrobiology No. 64.  Kluwer Academic Publishers.  Dordrecht.

Hamer, M. L. and C. C. Appleton.  1993.  Four new Streptocephalus (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) species from south-east Africa.  Annals of the South African Museum, 103(2): 167-181.

Hamer, M. L. and C. C. Appleton.  199?.  The Branchipodopsis (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca) of Southern Africa.  Annals of the South African Museum.  Submitted.

Hamer, M. L. and L. Brendonck.  1993.  A new species of Streptocephalus (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) from Namibia.  Annals of the South African Museum, 103(3): 183-189.

Hamer, M. L., L. Brendonck, A. Coomans and C. C. Appleton.  1994. A review of African Streptocephalidae (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca).  Part 1: South of the Zambezi and Kunene rivers.  Archive für Hydrobiologie, Suppl. 99(3):  235-277.

Hamer, M. L., L. Brendonck, A. Coomans and C. C. Appleton.  1994.  A review of African Streptocephalidae (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca).  Part. 2: North of the Zambezi and Kunene rivers.  Archive für Hydrobiologie, Suppl. 99(3):  279-311.

Hanaoka, H.  1977.  Harmful effect of ammonia on growth of the brine shrimp Artemia salina and inhibition of ammonia accumulation with an alga Chlorella.  Information Bulletin on Planktology in Japan, 24: 99-107.

Hann, B. J. et al.  1991.  Influence of temperature on hatching of eggs of Lepidurus couesii (Crustacea, Notostraca).  Hydrobiologia, 212: 61-66.

Harding, J. P.  1940.  Crustacea: Anostraca and Conchostraca.  Transactions of the Linnean Society, 3rd series, 1: 149-153.

Harding, J. P.  1941.  Crustacea: Anostraca and Conchostraca.   British Museum (Natural History) Expedition to South-West Arabia 1937-8, 1: 53-56.

Hartland-Rowe, R.  1965.  The Anostraca and Notostraca of Canada with some new distribution records.  Canadian  Field-Naturalist, 79: 185-189.

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Hartland-Rowe, R.  1966.  Dendrocephalus brasiliensis Pesta (Crustacea, Anostraca, Thamnocephalidae) recorded from Galapagos.  Canadian Journal of Zoology, 44: 493-494.

Hartland-Rowe, R.  1967.  Eubranchipus intricatus n. sp., a widely distributed North American fairy-shrimp, with a note on its ecology.  Canadian Journal of Zoology, 45: 663-666.

Hartland-Rowe, R.  1967.  Chirocephalus neumanni, a new species of fairy-shrimp from Israel.  Israel JOurnal of Zoology, 16:  83-87.

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Hartland-Rowe, R.  1969.  A new species of Streptocephalus (Anostraca) from Rhodesia.  Crustaceana, 16: 78-80.

Hartland-Rowe, R.  1972.  The limnology of temporary waters and the ecology of Euphyllopoda.  Pages 15-30.  In: R. B. Clark and R. J. Wooton (eds.).  Essays in hydrobiology presented to Leslie Harvey.  University of Exeter.  Exeter, England.

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Hartland-Rowe, R. and R. S. Anderson.  1968.  Arctic fairy shrimp (Artemiopsis stefanssoni Johanson 1921) in southern Alberta, with a note on the genus Artemiopsis.  Canadian Journal of Zoology, 46: 423-425.

Hathaway, S. et al.  The effect of temperature on the distribution and co-occurrence of fairy shrimp (Anostraca) in vernal pools in San Diego, California.  American Zoologist, 32(5): 124A.

Heath, H.  1924.  The external development of certain phyllopods. Journal of Morphology, 38: 453-483.  ( 91: 111-133. ??)

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Hentschel, E.  1963.  Zum neurosekretorischen System der Anostraca, Crustacea (Artemia salina Leach und Chirocephalus grubei Dybowsci).  Zoologischer Anzeiger, 170: 187-190.

Hentschel, E.  1965.  Neurosekretion und Neurohämalorgan bei Chirocephalus grubei Dybowsci und Artemia salina Leach (Anostraca, Crustacea).  Z. Wiss. Zool., 171: 44-79.

Herbst, D. B. and G. L. Dana.  1980.  Environmental physiology of salt tolerance in an alkaline salt lake population of Artemia from Mono Lake, California, U.S.A.  Pages 157-167.  In: G. Persoone, P. Sorgeloos and E. Jaspers (eds.).  The brine shrimp Artemia.  Vol. 2.  Physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology.  Universa Press,  Wetteren, Belgium.

Hernandorena, A.  1974.  Effects of salinity on nutritional requirements of Artemia salina.  Biological Bulletin, 146: 238-248.

Hertel, H.  1980.  The compound eye of Artemia salina (Crustacea).  I. Fine structure when light and dark adapted.  Zoologische Jahrbucher für Physiologie, 84: 1-9.

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Hildrew, A. G.  1985.  A quantitative study of the life history of a fairy shrimp (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) in relation to the temporary nature of its habitat, a Kenyan rainpool.  Journal of Animal Ecology, 54: 99-110.

Hill, R. E., D. C. Rogers, B. D. Quelvog, and S.P. Gallagher.  1997.  New records and observations on the Anostracan genus Eubranchipus in California.  Hydrobiologia 359:75-81.

Hillyard, S. D. and A. Vinegar.  1972.  Respiration and thermal tolerance of the phyllopod Crustacea Triops longicaudatus and Thamnocephalus platyurus inhabiting desert ephemeral ponds.   Physiological Zoology, 45: 189-195.

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Hödl, W. and E. Eder.  19??.  Rediscovery of Leptestheria dahalacensis and Eoleptestheria ticinensis (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata): an overview on presence and conservation of clam shrimps in Austria.  Hydrobiologia.   In press.

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Hoessler, J. et al.  1995.  Some notes on the ecology of a German Branchipus schadfferi population (Crustacea: Anostraca).  Hydrobiologia, 298(1-3): 105-112.

Holliday, C. W., D. B. Roye and R. D. Roer.  1990.   Salinity-induced changes in branchial Na+/K+-ATPase activity and transepithelial potential difference in the brine shrimp Artemia salina.  Journal of Experimental Biology, 151:  279-296.

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