Large Branchiopod Bibliography N-Z

Nair, K. K. N.  1968.  Observations on the biology of Cyclestheriahislopi (Baird), (Conchostraca: Crustacea).  Archive für Hydrobiologie, 65: 96-99.Nakanishi, Y. H., T. Iwasaki and H. Kato.  1962.  Cytologicalstudies of Artemia salina I. Embryonic development without cell multiplication after the blastula stage in encysted dryeggs.  Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, 35: 223-228.

Nässel, D. R. , R. Elofsson and R. Odselius.  1978.  Neuronalconnectivity patterns in the compound eyes of Artemia salinaand Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Branchiopoda).  Cell and Tissue Research, 190: 435-457.

Nayar, C. and K. Nair.  1968.  On a collection of Conchostraca(Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from South India, with the description of two new species.  Hydrobiologia, 32: 219-224.

Nicholson, K. W. and C. M. Yonge.  1935.  Function of the labral glands in Chirocephalus.  Nature, 136: 608.

Nicotra, A. and G. Mura.  1985.  Mitochondrial behavior during spermiogenesis of Branchiopus visnyai (Crustacea, Anostraca). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 5: 683-685.

Nicotra, A.  and G. Mura.  1986.  Fine structural observations of nuage-like structures during spermatogenesis of Branchipus visyani (Crustacea: Anostraca).  Journal of CrustaceanBiology, 6(4): 705-708.

Nikolaeva, N. V.  and N. V. Vekhov.  1985.  Ecology of phyllopod crustaceans (Crustacea, Anostraca) of floodplain bodies of water in southern Uamal.  Soviet Journal of Ecology, 15(5):271-276.

Nilsson, D. E. and R. Odselius.  1981.  A new mechanism for light-dark adaptation in the Artemia compound eye (Anostraca,Crustacea).  Journal of Comparative Physiology, (A), 143: 389-397.

Norman, A. M. and G. S. Brady.  1867.  A monograph of the British Entomostraca belonging to the families Bosminidae, Macrothricidae and Lynceidae.  Natural History Transactionsof Northumberland & Durham, 1: 354-408.

Nourisson, M.  1958.  Existence d’ une seule catégorie d’ ouefschez Chirocephalus stagnalis Shaw (Crustacé Phyllopode). Comptes Rendus acad. Sci., Paris, 246: 3122-3125.

Nourisson, M.  1959.  Evolution d’ une mare temporaire de haute altitude à Chirocephalus stagnalis Shaw (Crustacé Phyllopode).Comptes Rendus Acad Sci. Paris, 48: 3052-3054.  (Vol. 248?)

Nourisson, M.  1961.  Influence d’ un thermopériodisme journalier sur le développement des oeufs non asséches de Chirocephalusstagnalis Shaw.  Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., 253: 1870-1872.

Nourisson, M.  1961.  Existence d’ un intervalle de températurefavorable au dévelopment des oeufs non asséchés deChirocephalus stagnalis Shaw (Crustacé Phyllopode).  ComptesRendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 253: 1994-1996.

Nourisson, M.  1964.  Récherches écologiques et biologiques sur le Crustacé Branchiopod Chirocephalus diaphanus Prév.  Etudeexperimentelle du déterminisme du développement de l’ oeuf. Docteur ès Science Naturelles Thèse.  Université de Nancy. Nancy, France.  154 pages.

Nourisson, M.  1974.  Influence des facteurs externes sur le développement des oeufs du Crustacé Branchiopode Chirocephalusdiaphanus Prévost: action de la température.  Bulletin de laSociété zoologique de France, 100: 227-244.

Nourisson, M. et P. Aguesse.  1961.  Cycle annuel des Phyllopodesd’ une mare tempoaire de Camargue.  Bulletin de la SociétéZoologique de France, 86: 754-762.

Nourisson, M. and A. Thiéry.  1988.  Crustacés Branchiopodes(Anostracés, Notostracés, Conchostracés).  An introduction pratique à la systématique des organismes des eauxcontimentales françaises.  Bulletin mensuel de la SocieteLinneene de Lyon, 57: 75-135.

Nourisson, M. et al.  1988.  Practical introduction to the systematics of organisms of French continental waters: 9. Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Branchiopoda (Anostraca, Notostraca,Conchostraca).  Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Linneenne deLyon, 57(3): 75-95.

Nourisson, M. et al.  1988.  Practical introduction to the systematics of organisms of French continental waters: 9. Crustacea, Branchiopoda (Anostraca, Notostraca,Conchonostraca) continuation and conclusion.  Bulletin Mensuelde la Societe Linneenne de Lyon, 57(4): 104-135.

Nourisson, P.  1962.  Maturation, fécondation et ségmentation de l’ouef de Chirocephalus stagnalis Shaw (Crustacé, Phyllopode). Comptes Rendus acad. Sci., Paris, 254: 3567-3569.  (= M. Nourisson?)

Nowikoff, M.  1905.  Untersuchungen über den Bau der Limnadialenticularis L.  Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie,78: 561-619.

Nowikoff, M.  1905.  Über die Augen und die Frontalorgane derBranchiopoden.  Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie,79: 432-646.

Ocioszynska-Bankierowa, L.  1933.  Über den Bau der Mandibeln beieiniger Arten der Phyllopoda Anostraca.  Annales MuseiZoologici Polonici, Warszawa, 10: 97-109.  (97-113 ?)

Okland, S., A. Nylund and L. N. Larsen.  1981.  Heart ultrastructure in Branchipus schaefferi Fischer (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca).  Journal of Mol. Cell. Cardiology,13: 67.

Okland, S., A. Tjonneland, L. N. Larsen and A. Nylund.  1982. Heart ultrastructure in Braanchinecta paludosa, Artemiasalina, Branchipus schaefferi and Streptocephalus sp. (Crustacea, Anostraca).  Zoomorphology, 101: 71-81.

Oldham, T. W.  1978.  Records of Eubranchiopoda in Kansas. Technical Publications of the State Biological Survey, Kansas,6: 48-52.

Olesen, J. & B.V.Timms, 2005. Caenestheriella mariae sp.nov. (Crustacea: Branchiopodia: Spinicaudata: Cyzicidae): a new clam shrimp from Western Australia. Zootaxa 824 :1-8.

Olson, C. S. and J. S. Clegg.  1976.  Nuclear numbers in encysteddormant embryos of different Artemia salina populations. Experentia, 32: 864-865.

Olson, C. S. and J. S. Clegg.  1978.  Cell division during the development of Artemia salina.  Wilhelm Roux’s Archives of Developmental Biology, 184: 1-13.

Orghidan, T.  1945.  Sur une nouvelle espèce du genre Tanymastix(Sim.) en Roumanie.  Bull. Sec. Sci. Acad. Roumanie, 27: 676-680.

Orghidan, T.  1947.  Un Phyllopode Anostracé nouveau trouvé enRoumanie (Branchipus intermedius).  Bull. Sci. Acad. Roum.,29: 385-391.

Orghidan, T.  1948.  Ceratocephalus recticornis n. gen. n. sl. Ann. Sc. Univ. Jassy, 2A, 31: 213-217.

Osuna, C. and J. Sevastian.  1980.  Levels of the RNA polymerases during the early larval development of Artemia.  European Journal of Biochemistry, 109: 383-389.

Packard, A. S.  1871.  Preliminary notice of North American Phyllopoda.  The American Journal of Science and Arts, series 3, 2(102): 108-113.

Packard, A. S., Jr.  1874.  Descriptions of new North American Phyllopoda.  Sixth Report of the Peabody Academy of Science, 54-57.

Packard, A. S.  1874.  Synopsis of the freshwater phyllopod Crustacea of North America.  Seventh Annual Report of the United States Geographical Survey of the Territory for 1873:Part III, article 13: 613-622.

Packard, A. S.  1875.  New phyllopod crustaceans.  American Naturalist, 9: 311-312.  (592-596 ?)

Packard, A. S.  1877.  Descriptions of new phyllopod Crustacea from the west.  Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographic Survey of the Territories, III: 171-179.

Packard, A. S.  1880.  Notes on phyllopod Crustacea.  American Naturalist, 14: 43-55.

Packard, A. S.  1883.  A monograph of the phyllopod Crustacea of North America, with remarks on the Order Phyllocarida. Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territory for 1878, Part I, sectionII: 295-592.

Pai, P. G.  1958.  On post-embryonic stages of phyllopodcrustaceans, Triops (Apus), Streptocephalus and Estheria. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science, 48B: 229-250.

Panikkar, N. K.  1941.  Osmotic behavior of the fairy shrimp, Chirocephalus diaphanus Prevost.  Journal of Experimental Biology, 18: 110-114.

Parker, M. S. and A. W. Knight.  1992.  Aquatic invertebrates inhabiting saline evaporation ponds in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California.  Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 91(1): 39-43.

Parry, G.  1961.  Chloride regulation in Triops.  Nature, London, 192: 468-469.

Patten, M. W.  1980.  A comparison of the feeding behaviors of two anostracan crustaceans, Artemia salina Linnaeus and Branchinecta sp.  Senior thesis in biology.  Joint Science Department.  The Claremont Colleges.  Claremont, California. 35 pages.

Patton, S. E.  1984.  The life history patterns and thedistributions of two Anostraca, Linderiella occidentalis andBranchinecta sp.  M. S. thesis.  California State University, Chico.  50 pp.

Paul, M. A. and C. K. G. Nayar.  1977.  Studies on a natural population of Cyclestheria hislopi (Baird) (Conchostraca:Crustacea).  Hydrobiologia, 53: 173-179.

Pearse, A. S.   1912.  Notes on phyllopod Crustacea.  Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 14: 191-197.

Pearse, A. S.  1913.  Observations on the behavior of Eubranchipus dadayi.  Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society, 10(3-4): 109-117.

Pearse, A. S.  1913.  Notes on Crustacea recently acquired by the musuem.  Occasional Papers from the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 1: 1-4.

Pearse, A. S.  1918.  The fairy shrimp (Phyllopoda).  Pages 61-675.   In: H. B. Ward and G. C. Whipple (eds.).  Freshwater Biology.  John Wiley and Sons.  New York, New York.

Peck, S. B.  1994.  Diversity and zoogeography of the non-oceanicCrustacea of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador (excludingterrestrial Isopoda).  Canadian Journal of Zoology, 72: 54-69.

Peeters, K., L. Brendonck and L. Moens.  1992.  Relationships between globin chains of Branchiopoda (Crustacea).  BelgianJournal of Zoology, 125(2): 300-305.

Peeters, K., L. Brendonck and L. Moens.  1994.  The occurrence of artemocyanin in Branchiopoda (Crustacea).  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 109A(3): 773-779.

Pequeux, A.  1995.  Osmotic regulation in crustaceans.  Journal of Crustacean Biology, 15: 1-60.

Pereira, G.  1983.  Taxonomic importance of the frontal appendage in the genus Dendrocephalus (Anostraca: Thamnocephalidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 3: 293-305.

Pereira, G.  1984.  Two new species of Dendrocephalus (Anostraca:Thamnocephalidae) from Venezuela.  Journal of CrustaceanBiology, 4: 147-153.

Pereira, G.  1987.  Cladistic analysis of the fairy shrimp genusDendrocephalus (Crustacea: Anostraca: Thamnocephalidae). American Zoologist, 27(4): 140A.

Pereira, G. and D. Belk.  1987.  Three new species ofDendrocephalus (Anostraca: Thamnocephalidae) from Central andSouth America.  Journal of Crustacean Biology, 7(3): 572-580.

Pereira, G. and M. Gonzalez.  1994.  Larval development andpopulation biology of Dendrocephalus geayi Daday, 1908(Anostraca) in temporary ponds from Venezuela.  Crustaceana, 66(2): 163-177.

Pereira, G. and M. Pereira de.  1980.  Dendrocephalus geayi en Venezuela: Redescripción y notas bioecológicas.  Acta Científica Venezolana 31 (suplemento 1): 246.  (Abstract).

Pereira, G. and M. Pereira de.  Contribución al conocimiento de los Anostracos y Notostracos de Venezuela.  Actas del VIII Congreso Lationamericano de Zoología, In Press.  (Abstract).

Persoone, G. and P. Sorgeloos.  1980.  General aspects of theecology and biogeography of Artemia.  Pages 3-24.  In: G. Persoone, P. Sorgeloos, O. Roels and E. Jaspers (eds.).  Thebrine shrimp Artemia.  Vol. 3.: Ecology, culturing, use in aquaculture.  Universa Press.  Wettern, Belgium.

Persoone, G., P. Sorgeloos, O. Roels and E. Jaspers (eds.).  1980. The brine shrimp Artemia.  Vol. 1-3.  Universa Press. Wetteren, Belgium.

Pesce, L., G. Mura, P. Bianco e V. Cottarelli.  1976.  Sullapresenza di Anostraci (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in acquesotterranee.  Atti XLIV Congresso U. Z. I., Camerino.

Pesta, O.  1921.  Kritische Revision der Branchiopodedensammlungdes Wiener Naturhistorischen Staatsmuseums. Annalen desNaturhistorischen Staatsmuseums, 34: 80-98.

Pesta, O.  1922.  Kritische Revision der Branchiopodidae Sammlungdes Wiener Naturhistorischen Staatsmuseum.  AnnalenNaturhistorischen in Wien, 34: 80-98.

Pesta, O.  1936.  Entomostraken von der inseln Korfu.  ZoologischerAnzeiger, 114: 241-252.

Pesta, O.  1937.  Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Tierwelt(Entomostrakenfauna) der Zicklackengebietes am Ostufer desNeusiedler Sees im Burgenland, Österreich.  ZoologischerAnzeiger, 118(7/8): 177-192.

Petkovski, S. T.  1991.  On the presence of the genus Branchinecta Verrill, 1869 (Crustacea, Anostraca) in Yugoslavia. Hydrobiologia, 226(1): 17-27.

Petkovski, S. T.  1986.  The fairy shrimp Chirocephalus pelagonicusn. sp. (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) from Macedonia.  Fragm. Balcanica Mus. Maced. Sci. Nat., 13(3) (281): 15-26.

Petkovski, S. T.  1991.  The fairy shrimp Chirocephalus brevipalpis (Orghidan 1953), (Crustacea, Anostraca) in Yugoslavia. Hydrobiologia, 212; 261-266.

Petkovski, S. T.  1991.  On the presence of the genus Branchinecta Verrill 1869 (Crustacea, Anostraca) in Yugoslavia. Hydrobiologia, 226(1): 17-28.

Petkovski, S.  1995.  On the presence of Tanymastix Simon, 1886 (Crustacea: Anostraca) in Macedonia.  Hydrobiologia, 298: 307-313.

Petrov, B., Cvetkovic, M. D. (1996). A first record of males of Triops cancriformis (Bosc, 1801) (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) from Yugoslavia. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 48 (1-2), 59 – 62.

Petrov, B., Cvetkovic, M. D. (1996). A seasonal dynamics of Triops cancriformis (Bosc, 1801) (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in the Banat province in Yugoslavia. Tiscia 30, 39 – 43.

Petrov, B. & D. M. Cvetkovic (1996). Diversity of Branchiopods (Anostraca, Notostraca and Conchostraca) in the Banat province in Yugoslavia. Ecologia 33 (1-2), 117-120.

Petrov, B. and Cvetkovic, M. D. (1997). Community structure of Branchiopods (Anostraca, Notostraca and Conchostraca) in the Banat province in Yugoslavia. Hydrobiologia 359: 23 – 28.

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Petrov, B. and Cvetkovic, M. D. (1999). Morphological variability of Triops cancriformis (Bosc, 1801) (Crustacea, Notostraca) in Yugoslavia. Contributions to the Zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Athens, Vol. 1, 379-385.

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Petrov, M. and M. Marincek.  1991.  On the Anostraca (Crustacea) of Yugoslavia.  Hydrobiologia, 212: 267-272.

Petrov, B. et al.  1995.  Age-influenced morphological changes in Lepestheria setosa Marincek et Petrov, 1992 (Chonchostraca, Crustacea).  Hydrobiologia, 298: 245-252.

Picinelli, M. and T. Prosdocimi.  1968.  Descrizione tassonomicadelle due specie Artemia salina L. e Artemia persimilis n. sp.

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Piccinelli, M., T. Prosdocimi and L. Baratelli-Zambruni.  1968.Ulteriori ricerche sull’ isolamento genetico nel genereArtemia.  Atti dell’ Associazione Genetica Italiana, 13: 170-179.

Potts, W. T. W. and C. T. Durning.  1980.  Physiological evolutionin the Branchiopods.  Comparative Biochemistry andPhysiology, 67B: 475-484.

Poulsen, E. M.  1940.  Biological remarks on Lepidurus arcticusPallas, Daphnia pulex deGreer and Chydorus sphaericus East Greenland.  Medd. Gronland., 131: 1-50.

Prasth, E. B., N. Munuswamy and A. K. A. Nazar.  1994.  Preliminarystudies on the suitability of a fairy shrimp Streptocephalusdichotomus as live food in aquaculture.  Journal of the WorldAquaculture Society, 25(2): 204-207.

Preuss, G.  1951.  Die Verwandtschaft der Anostrà und Phyllopoda. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 147: 49-64.

Preuss, G.  1957.  Die Muskulatur der Gliedmaszen von Phyllopodenund Anostraken.  Mitteilungen der Zool. Mus. Berlin, 33: 221-257.

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Prévost, B.  1803.  Histoire d’ un insecte (o d’ un Crustacée);quie l’ auteur a cru devoir appeler Chirocéphale diaphane, etde la suite remarquable des metamorphoses qu’ il subit. Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d’ histoire naturelle et desArts, 57: 37-54, 89-106.

Proctor, V. W.  1964.  Viability of crustacean eggs recovered fromducks.  Ecology, 45: 656-658.

Proctor, V. W., C. R. Malone and V. L. DeVlaming.  1967.  Dispersalof aquatic organisms: viability of disseminules recovered fromthe intestinal tract of captive kill deer.  Ecology, 48: 672-676.

Prophet, C. W.  1959.  A winter population of Streptocephalus sealiRyder inhabiting a roadside ditch in Lyon County, Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences, 62(2): 153-161.

Prophet, C. W.  1961.  Observed anomalies in Streptocephalus Anostraca.  The Southwestern Naturalist, 6: 101-102.

Prophet, C. W.  1962.  Ecology and reproduction of five species ofAnostraca in Oklahoma.  Ph. D. thesis.  University ofOklahoma.  Norman, Oklahoma.  ??? pages.

Prophet, C. W.  1963.  Physical-chemical characteristics ofhabitats and seasonal occurrence of some Anostraca in Oklahomaand Kansas.  Ecology, 44(5): 798-801.

Prophet, C. W.  1963.  Some factors influencing the hatching ofanostracan eggs.  Transactions of the Kansas Academy ofSciences, 66: 150-159.

Prophet, C. W.  1963.  Egg production by laboratory-culturedAnostraca.  The Southwestern Naturalist, 8(1): 32-37.

Prophet, C. W.  1963.  Distribution of Anostraca in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, 43: 144.

Qadri, M. A. H. and I. U. Baqai.  1956.  Some branchiopods(Anostraca and Conchostraca) of Indo-Pakistan sub-continent,with description of new species.  Proceedings of the PakistanAcademy of Sciences, 1: 7-18.

Radhakrisna, Y. and M. K. D. Prasad.  1976.  Anostraca (Crustacea:Branchiopoda) from Guntur district and its environs.  Mem.Soc. Zool. Guntur, 1: 79-87.

Radhakrishna, Y. and M. K. Durga Prasad.  1976.  Eulimnadiagunturensis sp. nov. (Branchiopoda, Conchostraca) from SouthIndia.  Crustaceana, 31: 131-136.

Radhika, M. et al.  1993.  Structural and biochemical adaptation inthe cryptobiotic cysts of Thamnocephalus platyurus (Crustacea:Anostraca).  Cytobios, 74(296): 59-64.

Raj, P. J. S.  1951.  The first record of the genus BranchinellaSayce, in India and a new variety of Branchinellakugenumaensis (Ishikawa)>  Current Science, 20: 334.

Ralph, R.  1967.  The osmotic and ionic regulation of Branchinectagaini Daday.  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Societyof London (B), 252: 339-341.

Rasmussen, S.  1971.  Die Feinstrucktur des Mittelauges und desventralen Frontalorgans von Artemia salina L. (Crustacea:Anostraca).  Zeitschrift Zellforsch., 117: 576-596.

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Rayner, N. A. and A. E. Bowland.  1985.  A note on Triops granarius(Lucas), Lynceus truncatus Barnard and Streptocephalus cafer(Loven) (Branchiopoda: Crustacea) from Umfolozi Game Reserve,Natal, South Africa.  Journal of the Limnological Society ofSouth Africa, 11: 11-13.

Rebecchi, L. et al.  19??.  Chirocephalus ruffoi Cottarelli e Mura,1984 (Crustacea, Anostraca) in the Tuscan-Emilan Apennines,with a description of its karyotype.  Riv. Idrobiol., 29(2):587-595.

Reeve, M. R.  1963.  The filter feeding of Artemia.  1. In pureculture of plant cells.  Journal of Experimental Biology, 40:195-205.

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Reger, J. F.  1962.  The fine structure of limb muscle fibers fromthe crustacean, Artemia salinus.  Anat. Rec., 142: 323.

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Retallack, J. T. and H. F. Clifford.  1980.  Periodicity ofcrustaceans in a saline prairie stream of Alberta, Canada. The American Midland Naturalist, 103: 123-132.

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Rieder, N.  1972.  Ultrastruktur der Carapaxcuticula von Triopscancriformis Bosc. (Notostraca, Crustacea).  Z. Naturforsch.,27b: 578-579.

Rieder, N.  1972.  Ultrastruktur und Polysaccharidanteile derCuticula von Triops cancriformis Bosc. (Crustacea, Notostraca)während der Häutungsvorbereitung.  Zeitschrift für Morphologieund Ökologie der Tiere, 7: 361-380.

Rieder, N.  1974.  Ultrastruktur von Sinneshaaren von Triopscancriformis Bosc. (Crustacea, Notostraca).  Z. Naturforsch,29c: 308-309.

Rieder, N.  1977.  Ultrastruktur und Funktion der Hautdrüsen vonTriops cancriformis Bosc. (Crustacea, Notostraca).Zoomorphologie, 88: 133-143.

Rieder, N.  1978.  Die Borsten an den Balttbeinen von Triopscancriformis Bosc (Crustacea, Notostraca) während derHäutungsvorbereitung.  I. Licht-undrasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchengen.  ZoologischerAnzeiger, 200: 347-359.

Rieder, N.  1979.  Dei Borsten an den Blattbeinen von Triopscancriformis Bosc. (Crustacea, Notostraca) während derHäutungsvorbereitung.  II. Die Ultrastruktur der Borsten vomTyp 2 und 3.  Zoologischer Anzeiger, 202: 317-330.

Rieder, N.  1989.  Veränderungen und neuere Entwicklungen imGefährdungsstatus der Phyllopoden.  Schr. f. Landschaftspflegeu. Naturschutz, Bonn-Bad Godesberg H., 29: 294-295.

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Rieder, N. and H. Spaniol.  1980.  Die Rezeptoren an den erstenAntennen von Leptestheria dahalacensis Rüppel (Crustacea,Conchostraca).  Zoomorphologie, 95: 169-179.

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