Access Services Electronic Services General Interest Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library

OhioLINK scheduled outages on Nov 1 & 2

OhioLINK has Scheduled Maintenance on several of their products and services from 11/1-11/2

Expect 30-minute Service Outages starting on Friday, November 1 (at 11 PM) and ending on Saturday, November 2 (at 3 AM)

OhioLINK expects service outages of approximately 30 minutes at varying times for each OhioLINK service during scheduled maintenance on the Ohio Technology Consortium (OH-TECH) shared infrastructure firewall. On-campus access to content on third-party (non-OhioLINK) vendor websites will not be affected.

The following access/services will be affected by 30-minute outages: Libraries using OhioLINK’s remote authentication (proxy) for off-campus access to third-party vendor websites; and all other OhioLINK-hosted services, including online databases, the OhioLINK central catalog, the OhioLINK Electronic Journals Center (EJC), the OhioLINK Electronic Book Center (EBC), OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD), OhioLINK Music Center, OhioLINK Finding Aid Repository, and the OhioLINK Digital Resource Commons (DRC).

Center for the History of Psychology Electronic Services General Interest

UA Librarians Win Society of Georgia Archivists Award

The Society of Georgia Archivists has named Emily Gainer, Special Collections Librarian/Assistant Processing Archivist at the Center for the History of Psychology, and Michelle Mascaro, Coordinator of Cataloging Services and Special Collections Cataloger at University Libraries, as the 2012 winners of the David B. Gracy II Award. The David B. Gracy II Award is awarded annually in recognition of a superior contribution to the society’s journal, Provenance.

Emily and Michelle’s winning article “Faster Digital Output: Using Student Workers to Create Metadata for a Grant-Funded Project,” is a case study on training and supervising student workers involved with University Libraries, Archival Services’ National Endowment of Humanities grant-funded project to digitize and make available online photographic negatives from the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company Records. Over the course of the project, ten students created metadata for over 23,400 digitized images. These images are available online as part of University Libraries, Archival Services Digital Collections ( .

Electronic Services General Interest Research & Learning Services

Search-A-Roo and the new eJournal list are live!

Search-A-Roo and the new A-to-Z eJournal list are now available from the library homepage! Please note that we are still working our way through the various library sites and correcting miscellaneous links that point to the old services.

Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

Discovery service (Search-A-Roo) launches Sept 28th

On Saturday, Sept 28th we will make the new EBSCO discovery service (Search-A-Roo) available from the library homepage. You will see the search box prominently displayed. It does not replace any of our existing resources, but does provide a way for our patrons to search most of our resources at once.

In conjunction with this, we will also make the switch to the new A-to-Z List for eJournals that we receive as part of the EBSCO discovery service package. This replaces our old A-to-Z.

Finally, as part of this implementation we will temporarily suppress our catalog records for the majority of our ejournals. We will be replacing these records with new records in the near future. In the interim, if you want to know if we have access to an ejournal you simply need to search the A-to-Z list instead of the catalog.

The implementation of this new discovery service is a work in progress, not only for us but for all the OhioLINK libraries that have embarked on this adventure! We appreciate your patience and your feedback as we continue to develop this service.

Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

Reminder: open sessions this week for Discovery service

Our new Discovery Service, tentatively called Search-A-Roo, will be live from our library website on Sept 28th. Our library catalog is included in Search-A-Roo, as well as the OhioLINK catalog and the vast majority of our databases and electronic resources.

Open session for Search-A-Roo are scheduled for today, Sept 24, and Thursday, Sept 26.

See a brief demo of the discovery service and how it works, talk about some of its potentials and limitations, and share your own experiences.

Open Sessions:

  • Sept 24 (Tuesday)  10.00-11.00 Bierce 154
  • Sept 26 (Thursday) 3.00-4.00 Bierce 279
Electronic Services Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library

Curious about Discovery? Attend an open session!

Are you curious about how the new Discovery Service works? Do you have questions? Have you already been exploring Search-A-Roo and have feedback that you’d like to share?

Attend one of the upcoming open sessions. See a brief demo of the discovery service and how it works, talk about some of its potentials and limitations, and share your own experiences.

Open Sessions:

  • Sept 24 (Tuesday)  10.00-11.00 Bierce 154
  • Sept 26 (Thursday) 3.00-4.00 Bierce 279
Research & Learning Services

Celebrate 50 Years of Government Documents at Bierce Library!


Open Invitation to Faculty and Students!

Friday, September 13
10:30 – 11:30
First Floor Bierce Library

We invite you and your students to an hour-long celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of Bierce Library’s participation in the Federal Depository Library Program, which provides invaluable access to a wide range of Presidential documents, data and statistics from government offices, testimony from Congressional hearings, and more.

This event, which will also commemorate Constitution Day, is a great opportunity for everyone to learn more about these authoritative resources, as Shari Laster, government documents librarian, will speak about the significance of the library’s role in making these materials accessible to the public.

Consider turning this into an extra-credit opportunity for your students and let them know that refreshments will be served

Find more information at our website

And check out the Shari’s LibGuides for government documents and the Constitution:

We hope to see you there!

Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

Preview: Discovery Service and eJournal A-to-Z list

You can now preview our new Discovery Service, tentatively called Search-A-Roo. Our library catalog is included in Search-A-Roo, as well as the OhioLINK catalog and the vast majority of our databases and electronic resources. We intend for Search-A-Roo to be live from the library’s main homepage toward the end of this September. Currently we are in test mode only.

Be aware that we are still customizing this service, and you should expect to see random changes in displays, results, and search functionality as we work through this roll-out process. Also, the catalog data in Search-A-Roo is about 6 weeks older than what is actually in our catalog. When we are fully implemented the coverage difference will be minimized.

As part of our transition to the new Discovery Service we are also migrating our eJournal A-to-Z list. The A-to-Z list is important not only because it allows us to find our electronic journals easily, but also because it helps the LinkSource link resolver locate full text.

One place the new A-to-Z list will eventually appear is in LibGuides. You can preview the A-to-Z list in LibGuides by using this link. Be patient, it may take a moment to completely load:

new ejournal A-to-Z list preview via LibGuides

You may notice that it allows you to limit a search to ebooks. You may find books contained in aggregator databases such as Education Research Complete, the OhioLINK EBC, and similar databases. Note that it does not currently include an individual ebooks that we may have in our collection.

Electronic Services Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library UAL User Interfaces Committee

LinkSource link resolver

You may have been searching our databases this week and noticed a new link called LinkSource. We are currently replacing our old OLinks link resolver with a product from EBSCO called LinkSource. A link resolver helps connect citations from one database with the article’s full text located in another database. To do this it takes information about the citation and tries to match it with the information about our electronic journals (and sometimes other electronic resources) that we maintain in our eJournal A-Z list. Migrating all of our eJournal information from our current A-Z list to a new product, also from EBSCO, is part of this project as well. Ultimately all of this work is important in setting the stage for the new Discovery Service, which we expect to launch publicly in late September.

As we move through this project you may see different links, such as LinkSource, presented as part of your database search results. There may also be some glitches in linking from a citation in one database to the full text in another while we work on improving the system, and we appreciate your patience with this process. If you have any serious problems to report please do so through the Footprints system so that we can track them properly.


Electronic Services Professional Development UAL Technical Services Committee

ALCTS Continuing Education Webinar Archives

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) routinely offers one hour continuing education webinars on a variety of topics including cataloging, preservation, and institutional repositories to name a few.  After 90 days of original broadcast, these webinars are made freely available in the ALCTS webinar archive and on the ALCTS YouTube Channel.

Included are several introductory level webinars on Resource Description and Access (RDA), the new rules and guidelines for creating cataloging recordings that will be fully adopted by the Library of Congress at the of the month.  Those wanting to know more about the standard may be interested in the RDA for the Non-Cataloger webinar from Oct. 2012. (One word of caution: RDA continues to evolve as a standard so some of the older RDA webinars contain information that is now out of date.)