Earn community service hours while having fun!

Organization: Akron YMCA

Event: Jack O Lantern Jog, see details at http://www.akronymca.org/Jackolanternjog.aspx

Dates: we are looking for volunteers for:

–          Saturday October 12, 2013, from 6:30am – approx. 12:00pm

–          Friday, October 11th , from 1:00pm – approx. 6:00pm


–          Volunteers on Friday will be assisting with set up at the site, folding t-shirts and putting together the goodie bags at the University Park YMCA (on Market St. by Summa/City Hospital).

–          On Saturday, volunteers will be responsible for assisting runners along the route, manning the water stations and setting up the water stations, assisting with directions from the parking garage to the entrance for registration, and crowd control. Other assignments may be added as we get closer to the date.

Volunteers do not have to come on both days, but they can. To volunteer, contact:

Sonia Wehrlin at soniaw@akronymca.org

And/or Dan Steurer at dan1870@aol.com