Online Study Aid News

Taking Evidence?  Need trial or appellate training videos? LexisNexis Courtroom Cast has short videos explaining the Rules of Evidence and showing real courtroom examples.  There are also trial and appellate advocacy videos.

New West Academic Link: In case you missed it over the summer, West Academic Study Aids has a new link.  This link allows you to access West Academic e-books off campus with your UAnet Id and password.  You are no longer required to have your own account to West Academic, but creating an account allows you to save your notes and highlights, save favorites and see recently viewed titles.  If you created an account in the past, your account will still work.

Additionally, West Academic now provides online access to 43 West Hornbooks.  Hornbooks provide straightforward analysis, are written by experts in the field and are often recommended by law professors. Flashcards for Contracts and Torts are also now available, as are the Law Stories series.  As always, West Academic contains Gilbert Law Summaries, Sum and Substance titles, and Black Letter Outlines, among other study aids.

First Years: If you are a first year, all the online study aids are new to you!  Besides West Academic, the following online study aids are available for your use:

Akron Law Digital – Question and Answer, Understanding Series study aids
CALI – Interactive lessons.  Click here for information about the CALI authorization code for UA Law students.
LexisNexis Courtroom Cast – MP3 audio files of cases in your casebook, full-text of the edited opinion, a brief fact summary, and the rule of law.