Radical Acceptance

Radical Acceptance

Radical acceptance means to accept what you cannot change. It means to give yourself over to the fact that you have no control over what might happen. This may appear scary, and whatever emotion you are feeling right now is normal and okay. Using radical acceptance, we can find solace and relaxation. 

Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes, take a moment to imagine what it would feel like to let go and just accept things the way they are in this very moment. Keep in mind these three points:

  1. Accept reality as it is, reality cannot be changed.
  2. Life can be enjoyable even when there is pain. 
  3. Rejecting reality as it is can cause suffering, unhappiness, anger, sadness, or other difficult emotions

Radical acceptance does NOT mean that you approve of what is or has happened. Radical acceptance does not mean that you are passive and against change. By practicing radical acceptance you are taking an active role in your well-being and happiness. 

Practicing Radical Acceptance:

  1. Become familiar with how you are feeling about reality and what you wish would change
  2. Remember the saying “It is what it is” and know that some things cannot be changed
  3. Think about how events, both good and bad, have unfolded to make things the way they are right now and this is the way it all ended up. 
  4. Involve yourself in meditation, prayer, breathing exercises, or surround yourself with things that bring you comfort (ex. A candle, color, pictures)
  5. Allow yourself to feel the negative emotions as they come to you
  6. Consider making a PROS and CONS list if you are having trouble accepting. 

Radical acceptance is not easy, it is a skill and must be practiced like one would practice a sport or a performance. You can, and deserve, to live a happy life even when things are difficult.  YOU CAN DO IT!

More on radical acceptance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjP7LAsW6Cg

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