Coping Skills


On this tab, you will find several posts about coping skills that may be helpful in this time of uncertainty and stress.  Our goal for this tab is to provide you with a range of simple, but effective strategies that can help reduce unwanted emotions, such as sadness, depression, anxiety, panic, or loneliness.

Please note that this tab is not designed to replace professional help, such as talking to a mental health provider.  We encourage you to seek/continue to seek treatment if you need further support. Visit for more information about finding services.


Below is a list of skills that you may find helpful for coping with uncomfortable emotions during this time. Click on the skill to read the post!

Coping with Racial Battle Fatigue

Coping as a White Ally


Radical Acceptance

Coping With Anxiety

Emotional Problem Solving

Supporting Someone with Depression

Physical Wellness as an Emotional Skill

Overcoming Comparative Suffering

A Guide to Decatastrophizing

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