CALI Lesson Review- How to Brief a Case

For those students that feel they still need practice in briefing a case, there is a CALI lesson that teaches how to brief and gives examples.  Here is a description from the lesson itself.

“This is an exercise designed to introduce first-semester law students to the basic elements of a typical case “brief” and to teach them general methodology for writing their own briefs. The exercise consists of three parts: (1) an introduction to the purposes and uses of a case brief; (2) a detailed examination of each of the ten components of a typical case brief (with examples); and (3) two actual cases that students are asked to read and then to brief.”

Lesson Completion Time: 2 hours

How to find this lesson:  After logging into CALI, click on Legal Research.  The lessons are alphabetic at the next page.

Questions?  Contact Lynn Lenart, Assistant Law Librarian for Reference Services.  330-972-6357,, Law Library, second floor, office 269.