Call for Papers – University of La Verne Law Review

The University of La Verne Law Review publishes two issues each year, a Juvenile Issue in the fall and a Symposium Issue in the spring.  Our upcoming Symposium Issue will focus on the field on Immigration Law and will be published in April 2010.  

In conjunction with the Symposium Issue, our Law Review is offering law students the opportunity to submit their Note or Comment for our Student Writing Contest.  The grand prize is $200 and publication in Volume 31 of the University of La Verne Law Review.  The winner will also have the opportunity to present his or her work to leading experts in Immigration Law at our Live Symposium, to be held on February 19-20, 2010.  I have attached flyers containing more information on submitting to the Symposium Issue and to the Student Writing Contest.  We look forward to receiving submissions from the University of Akron School of Law. 

For more information, see flyers on the general bulletin boards.