Extend your student Westlaw and LexisNexis passwords for the summer

Extend your Westlaw and LexisNexis passwords for the summer if you intend to use these databases during the summer months.

Who can have summer access?  Students taking classes or students graduating in May can extend their passwords to have full access for both databases until August 1.

Your student passwords for Westlaw and Lexis must only be used for academic purposes and not for commercial purposes such as conducting research for a law firm or corporation.   More here and here about proper password use.  Graduating students can use Westlaw and LexisNexis to study for the July Bar Exam.

How to register for summer access?  Log onto Westlaw and LexisNexis and click on the Summer Access image.  Follow the instructions on Westlaw and Lexis.

What if I do nothing?  If you do not extend your password for the summer, access to Westlaw and Lexis is severely limited starting June 1 and will not turn back on until August 1.  Full access to Westlaw and Lexis automatically turns on for law students on August 1, 2010.


Ms. Lenart, Assistant Law Librarian for Reference Services
330-972-6357, llenart@uakron.edu