Career Planning Presents: Fall On-Campus Interview Preview Workshop — Wednesday, April 14 at 12:15 and 5:15

ATTENTION ALL 1Ls, 2Ls, AND RISING 2E’S AND 3E’S – IT’S TIME TO START THINKING AHEAD TO THE FALL INTERVIEWING SEASON! Although it may seem a bit early, the Career Planning Office is already planning ahead to the Fall 2010 recruiting season. Hundreds of letters have gone out and many phone calls have been made inviting law firms, corporations, public interest organizations and government agencies to participate in our Fall On-campus Interviewing Program here at the Law School.  All students should plan to participate in the Fall On-Campus Interview (OCI) Program. This can be a very confusing process so the Career Planning Office is hosting a Fall OCI Preview workshop next Wednesday, April 14 at 12:15 and 5:15 in Room W-206.  Upper class students who participated in last fall’s OCI program as well as hiring partners from several Northeast Ohio law firms will be here to talk about their experiences and the do’s and don’ts of the OCI process. You don’t want to miss this workshop!!  Lunch will be served to those who attend.