Paid Internship with Anti-Defamation League — Great Summer Job Opportunity



 Title:                           Civil Rights Intern

 Reports To:               Nina Sundell, Regional Director

 Dept/Office:               Ohio/Kentucky/Allegheny Region/Cleveland

 Division:                     Civil Rights


 Educational:              Applicants must be either incoming second or third year law students.

 Prior Experience:     Applicants must have a demonstrated commitment to First Amendment issues.  Preference will be given to those applicants with demonstrated involvement in scholarship or employment that promotes civil rights. 


 Computer:                 Westlaw, Internet research

 Written:                      Applicant must be able to communicate effectively in writing to both legal and non-legal audiences. Applicant must be familiar with traditional legal forms of writing. 

 Verbal:                        Applicant must be able to effectively communicate orally to both legal and non-legal audiences.

 Other:                                     Applicant must have high level legal research skills.


Primary:     Intern will oversee the Region’s Summer Associate Program and will engage in local legal research projects.

 Secondary:                Perform non-legal research duties as necessary to support the work of the Civil Rights Division.

 Resumes should be sent to for consideration.