Fed. Society – What Went Wrong and How We Can Fix It, Thu., Oct. 21, 12:15 pm, L-151

The unemployment rate sits at 9.6%. The market is downright grisly.  The national debt is over $13 trillion.  To put it mildly, things sure ain’t pretty.  Join The Federalist Society for a lively panel discussion on possible cures to our economic malaise.  “Government, Greed, & Geithner: What Went Wrong With the American Economy and How We Can Fix It” will be held on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 12:15 p.m. in Room 151.  Our distinguished panelists will be Prof. David Snyder (American University Washington College of Law), Dr. Kate Sheppard (University of Akron Econ. Dept.), and Prof. Stefan Padfield (Akron School of Law).  OLIVE GARDEN LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED.