Fed. Society – Citizens United’s Effect on the 2010 Election – March 2, 12:15

Come join the Federalist Society and get a FREE LUNCH on March 2 at 12:15 in room L-151 as Professor Brad Smith of Capital Law School (http://www.law.capital.edu/Faculty/Bios/bsmith.asp) speaks on the effects that the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. FEC had on the 2010 election. Few decisions have been as controversial as Citizens United, which permitted corporations and unions to spend unlimited amounts of money on political advertisements. Almost all critics of the decision point to the corruption that will result when corporate money is allowed to “control” the political process. But does this theory hold true? Brad Smith will examine the effects which corporate and union money had on our most recent election. LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED. Few recent Supreme Court decisions have been as controversial as the ruling in Citizens United v. FEC