On-Campus Interviews for first and second year students with engineering/science degree

On-Campus Interviews – Fay Sharpe LLP – Cleveland, OH – firm to interview on campus on March 22, 2012

Members of the Class of 2013 and 2014 interested in a law clerk position for this summer  Must have an undergrad degree in engineering or science.  Application Materials:  Cover letter and resume.  Cover letter should be addressed to:    Kelly Bartel, Human Resources Manager; Fay Sharpe LLP; The Halle Building, 5th Floor; 1228 Euclid Avenue; Cleveland, OH  44115.  Application materials should be submitted to Jeanne Kennedy at jeanne2@uakron.edu no later than Thursday, March 15 at 12:00 Noon.   DO NOT CONTACT THE FIRM DIRECTLY. ALL MATERIALS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CAREER PLANNING OFFICE BY THE DEADLINE DATE.