Summer law clerk position in Cleveland – submit resume and cover letter to CPPO

Cleveland, OH – Summer Law Clerk – Anti-Defamation League
AkronLawJobs Job No. 3462 – The Cleveland Anti-Defamation League is seeking law students from the Class of 2013 and 2014 for a full-time Summer Law Clerk position to do legal research, writing, assisting local attorneys, attend events for the entire summer.  This is a paid position.  Please submit a cover letter and resume to Career Planning Student Services Counselor Jeanne Kennedy at jeanne2@uakron.eduDeadline:  ASAP, but no later than May 22, 2012 at 12:00 Noon.  Learn more about ADL at www.adl.orgDO NOT CONTACT THE EMPLOYER DIRECTLY.  ALL MATERIALS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CAREER PLANNING OFFICE BY THE DEADLINE DATE.