MORE Pro Bono Limited Means Opportunities!

The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland has several upcoming volunteer opportunities and we invite you to sign up through our website.  Most of these opportunities are Brief Advice and Referral Clinics.  At these clinics, you will conduct the initial intake interview and work with the attorney to provide advice to the client.

 In addition, we have an immigration clinic and an expugement clinic.  At these clinics you will interview clients and assist them in completing necessary forms.  There is no experience necessary for any clinic.

 We ask that you sign up for only one event, as we have many students and paralegals that would like to volunteer.  Due to space limitations, you are asked to sign up only for events that state “LAW STUDENTS ONLY” and not for CLEs or other events reserved for attorneys.  Once an event has filled up, we will remove it from the website. 

 Please read all of the necessary information before registering for an event.

 Please click here to read details about our upcoming clinics:

 Please click here to complete the registration form and select an opportunity: