CPPO Calendar – week of November 5

1- TODAY — Tuesday, November 6 at 12:20 in Room 214 – Mandatory Mentor Program Training– all second years who plan to participate in the Akron Bar/Akron Law mentor program starting in January must attend one of the mentor program training sessions. Other session to be held on Tuesday, November 13 at 5:15  in Room 151.

Attention Second Year Students! If you plan to participate in the 2013 Lawyer-to- Law Student Mentor Program, you must attend one of the MANDATORY Mentor Program Training Sessions. You will receive an overview of the Mentor Program and former Law Student Mentees and Attorney Mentors will share their experiences with the Mentor Program and answer your questions.

 You must turn in a Mentor Program application, including the short answer questions, to the Career Planning Office by Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 12 noon. Applications are available online: https://www.uakron.edu/law/career/docs/2012-13-Mentee-Application.pdf or in the CPPO. You may turn in your application at the Training Session as well.

2- Wednesday and Thursday, November 7 and 8 at 12:20 and 5:15 in Room 151 – First year mandatory Career Planning Orientation Session.  Meet in a large group with the Career Planning Staff to discuss the basics of resumes, cover letters, options for summer 2013 jobs, and everything career-related you need to know. Following your attendance at one of these sessions, you will be permitted to schedule an individual career planning consultation with the CPPO staff.  Mark your calendar now!