July 27 Open House Recap

On July 27, 2013, we hosted an open house for prospective students, most of whom are considering starting law school in the fall of 2014. The program was highly successful: more than 80 guests were in attendance, and many people went out of their way to tell me and Mary how much they enjoyed the event.

Mary and I would like to publicly thank the following individuals for their assistance on Saturday:

  • Gary Spring and Marty Belsky for teaching mock law classes
  • Law student Rachel Scava for assisting with check-in
  • Law students Justin Burns, Jackie Cabonor, Joseph DelGallo, Evan Grasse, Patrick Hanley, Olivia Kotter, Christina McClish, Phil Orenstein, Ashley Wakefield, and Jonathan Wolnik for serving as panelists and tour guides
  • Alumni Jennifer Hamey (‘06), Alan Medvick (‘06), Mike Pfahl (‘04), Jack Pierson (‘82), and Larry Tucker (‘84) for serving as panelists

Events like these simply don’t work without the assistance of faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Thanks to all for your help and support.

Adam Messner
Director of Admissions and Financial Aid