Dean Matthew Wilson looks forward to hosting an IntraSchool Competition on January 13, 14 and 15th to determine the teams that will represent Akron Law in the 2015 ABA Client Counseling Competition! All students – 1L, 2L, 3L and 4L are welcome to participate.
Entering the competition is easy!
1) Find another law student to serve as your team member
2) Sign-up online: Client Counseling Competition Team Sign-Up or at the Front Desk of the Dean’s Suite
3) Join Dean Wilson who will be coaching this years team at one of two information sessions on Tuesday, November 18th (Room 151) and Wednesday, November 19th (165) from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. Please send at least one team member to the information session.
4) Join us on January 13, 14, & 15th for the competition. The time and room assignments will be sent to teams in December
5) Winning teams will be sent to the February 2015 Regional Competition in Pittsburgh, PA