Elections for the 2016-2017 Student Bar Association are underway!

Good Morning, Everyone!

Elections for the 2016-2017 Student Bar Association are underway!  All students can now begin the process of determining who the 2016-2017 Student Bar Association executive board and class representatives will be. Remember, all students are automatically members of the Student Bar Association; therefore it is important that you are all involved in the process of choosing your class representatives and executive board. Each class (minus May graduates) will elect four (4) class representatives.  The person who receives the most votes will be appointed the class president.  The executive board is composed of the president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary. Your vote is crucial in electing all of these positions! SBA elections are a three-step process:

First, all those who hope to be nominated for an executive board or class representative position on SBA must get at least two nominations from their peers (you are able to nominate yourself!). Each Student is allowed to nominate two people, per position. The deadline for nominations will be Wednesday April 13th at noon.

Second, each individual who receives at least two nominations for a position will receive an email asking if they would like to accept their nomination and run for the position.  If nominated for both a class representative and executive board position, you may chose to run for both.  That way, if you do not win the executive board position, you remain in the running as a class representative.  However, you may NOT run for two executive board positions.  If nominated for more than one, you will then choose which nomination to accept.

Third, and finally, a final poll will be sent out with all of the candidates that have accepted their nominations. The final poll will open on Monday April 18th at 8 a.m. and close on Friday April 22th at noon.

The person with the most votes for each position will win. Each elected individual will receive an email notification, and their names will be displayed on the announcement blog.

Below is the link to nominate yourself and your fellow peers for a tremendous opportunity to serve an active role in the Student Bar Association.  Again, this link will remain open until Wednesday, April 13 at noon.

Nomination link (copy and paste into web address box): https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WJS9NTZ

Good Luck!