The 2017 Tannenwald Writing Competition (Tax)

The Tannenwald Writing Competition is open to all law-school students and invites submissions. Submitted papers must focus primarily on technical or policy-oriented tax issues relating to any type of existing or proposed United States federal or state tax or tax system. Papers written in connection with a law-school course or seminar (including independent study and summer-school courses) are eligible for the competition. A faculty member must sponsor your submission.

Cash prizes will be awarded for the winning paper ($5,000), first runner-up ($2,500), and second runner-up ($1,500). If not published elsewhere, the first-prize paper may be published in The Florida Tax Review (subject to the normal review and editorial processes of that journal).

The deadline is 9:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on July 5, 2017. For more information and for the Competition Rules, please visit For questions or more information, contact Nancy Abramowitz at