Fall 2016 Class Rankings Available

Dear Students,

I hope that you have had a wonderful holiday break. For those of you who started coursework today, welcome back! For those of you who begin next week, we are excited to have you back and begin a new semester!

I’m pleased to announce that updated class rankings are now available here: http://uakron.edu/law/docs/CLASS_RANKINGS_FOR_FALL_2016.pdf (note: if you are off-campus, you may need to sign-in with your UANet ID and password). You’ll find links for the rankings lists (based on entering class) at the bottom of the document.

Please join me in thanking Liz Wascak for all of her work in preparing these rankings.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (bfuller@uakron.edu). I look forward to seeing you soon!


Dean Fuller