Twinsburg, Ohio – Law Clerk – IMMEDIATE NEED

Neil S. Rubin, Attorney at Law, LLC

AkronLawJobs No. 8273 Duties: Will work 9-12 hours per week. Beginning at $10/hr. with $2/hr. raise after two months with subsequent raises given upon showing of merit. Increased hours also possible. Substantive work as well as some administrative duties. You will be taught about being a sole practitioner (which is not taught in law school). Will most likely NOT be required to write memoranda of law but will perform some motion practice.  Responsibilities will grow as clerk gains experience. Would like to keep this person until they pass the bar and are admitted Qualifications:  1L, 2L. Must have good research skills, both case law and general web research. How to apply: E-mail your resume and writing sample to Neil S. Rubin at

Deadline: May 26, 2017